Dogs Decorate Home For Christmas As Owner Works
Dec 19, 2019 by apost team
Getting our dogs in on a little holiday fun is always a great idea, as proven by an incredibly fun and festive video featuring a man's pack of dogs. If you are looking for a feel good, short video to watch something fun with, this is it!
The film features the family pets left behind while their owner heads out to run a few errands, and when he returns he finds that the dogs have been up to some festive holiday mischief.

This large pack of family pets, eight in total, are all eager to keep the attention of their owner as he addresses them at the door prior to heading out. Before leaving, their owner takes a minute to tell his pups to make sure they behave both in the house and with each other. Now, you know this is a well behaved and trained pack of dogs because they are a huge mix of breeds and sizes and all appear to get along with each other well, and have disciplined behavior.

As soon as the door closes behind him, the pack of dogs gets to work, putting up and decorating a beautiful Christmas tree all on their own. The dogs display a wide array of tricks as they move around the room and tree, accessorizing the tree with everything from lights to garland to a star. To begin, the dogs need to open a few doors, drag out storage boxes, and then open those boxes so that they can get to the decorations. Inside they find what they need to get to work before their owner gets home and they can surprise him.

Dog pals work together in teams to unravel tricky Christmas lights and garland that they then string up on their tree. Ornaments are hung one by one by all the dogs in the family, and some even come over to adjust and rearrange or admire the work done by others. One pup even climbs up a ladder to adorn the top of the tree after one dog helps him out by setting the ladder up.
These dogs are sure to entertain and remind everyone that its all about the joy of giving during the Christmas season that matters. What's better than coming home to find all the decorations hung with care for the holidays, and everyone ready to celebrate and pass out gifts placed under the tree. Did you find this video funny? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!