Dog Sees Life Size Version Of Favorite Toy And Is Overwhelmed With Joy
Nov 21, 2018 by apost team
Jolene is a golden retriever that had the most adorable reaction after her favorite toy came to life!
After going viral as the dog that loves Gumby, Jolene's heartwarming video with Gumby and her owner has been seen by millions of viewers all over the world.
All dogs have their favorite chew toy. For Jolene, her favorite is Gumby.
Whether it's the Gumby character or the wonder of the dog toy itself, Jolene really loves her little toy. Everyday, Jolene happily plays with her Gumby toy which gave Jolene's owner, Emily Crisp, a fantastic idea.
What could be better than Jolene's favorite Gumby toy? Jolene's toy as a life-size, walking and breathing Gumby! Giving her dog the ultimate treat, Emily Crisp and her boyfriend Ben Mesches decided to bring Gumby to life.
One day, Ben put on a Gumby costume while Emily grabbed her phone. While they both weren't sure what Jolene would do, they knew that she really loved Gumby. As Ben approached, Emily began recording the cutest video ever.
During the video, viewers will see Jolene playing with her toy version of Gumby. Completely enthralled by her toy, Jolene looks up in just enough time to see her surprise. Suddenly, Emily's boyfriend walks in dressed like Gumby!
At that moment, Jolene looks up an stares at Ben, dropping her little Gumby toy in the process. If a dog could be speechless, that would be an accurate description of Jolene's reaction.
Completely stunned to see such a large Gumby, Jolene is shocked! Walking slowly towards Ben, Jolene goes over to inspect her favorite toy and a familiar human.
As Jolene reaches life-size Gumby, she breaks out in total excitement! Giving Ben a long dog-hug, Jolene is clearly overcome with joy.
There's nothing as pure and beautiful as a dog's happiness. This is why so many viewers have connected to Jolene's touching video. With over 14 million views, this life-size Gumby love story is truly one for the ages. Inspired viewers have commented with their own dog stories, sharing how incredible having a moment like this with their four-legged best friend feels.
What did you think of this beautiful story? Has your dog ever done anything similar? Watch the video for yourself and leave a comment below - and don't forget to pass this to others!