Dog Leads Owner To Basket Of Abandoned Puppies In Field After Hearing Their Cries For Help
Mar 19, 2019 by apost team
They say that dogs do the “darndest” things. Well, for one special dog that meant performing a heroic rescue mission. Newsflare reported how Christian Eiermann of Bali, Indonesia took his dog on a routine walk, expecting the short walk to go similarly to the hundreds and hundreds of walks the pair had taken together over the years.
As the two walked across a slightly waterlogged field, they started on their usual route before something interesting happened that would make this pup a little hero.

Christian typically wears headphones during these walks, catching up on his favorite podcasts and enjoying the scenery around him. However, he had a feeling that he should keep ditch the headphones and keep his eyes and ears open during the walk with his pup.
Christian’s instinct that this walk would be different became a reality when his dog, who typically had a calm demeanor during walks, started acting very strange.

The pup started to pull on the leash and make odd noises, desperately tugging Christian in a specific direction.
Christian didn’t resist his dog’s desire to go a certain way and he soon saw that his dog was headed directly toward a specific area of the boggy grassland. The two kept on, cutting through the watery field toward whatever the dog found so intriguing.

As they continued to walk, Christian and his dog’s ears perked up when they heard tiny whimpers and cries coming from some of the tall grass in the field. He realized immediately that his dog was pulling him in exactly that direction.
He let the dog lead him deeper and deeper into the flooded marsh, the field getting soggier with each step.

Christian followed his eager pup until they came upon a small blue basket. The little whimpers they heard were coming from inside the basket. Christian peeked in to find 4 abandoned puppies, clearly just a few days old. The poor puppies were wet and dirty.
Christian immediately scooped up the pups and took them home, thanking his heroic dog for finding these furry treasures. He took them home and prepared a foster home with a mother dog that had also recently given birth, allowing the pups to be weaned off of milk from the happy female dog.
Now, these adorable pups are all set to be placed in their forever homes. How incredible is it what great instinct animals have? Have you ever seen or heard of an animal rescuing another? Let us know your stories in the comments below!