Dog Feels So Much Better When His Friend Wears A Cone As Well

Jul 28, 2019 by apost team

Barley is a beautiful golden retriever who resides in Amsterdam with Zita Butler and Marc Wisselo. While these two humans are loved by Barley, there is an object that he adores just as much – Fluffy.

Fluffy is a cute little stuffed toy that looks amazingly like Barley. They have been together since Zita spotted him on the shelves of IKEA one day. Realizing that the toy looked just like their new dog, she knew she had to grab it. Since then, Fluffy and Barley have been quite inseparable.

The pair sleep together, use the bathroom together and go for walks with one another. Barley always makes sure to have Fluffy by his side no matter what. Barley and Fluffy have even gone to the Netherlands, Germany, and France together. Talk about true friendship!

However, Barley recently underwent a surgery many dogs get. He went to the vet to get neutered and came back with the so-called “cone of shame” over his head to prevent him from licking and tugging at his stitches.

He was miserable and sad until his humans had a wonderful idea. They knew just what would make Barley feel better about his situation. Since Barley had to wear a cone, why shouldn’t Fluffy?

They found a cone that fit perfectly over the head of the stuffed animal. Now, Barley and Fluffy were twins again. After Fluffy was fitted with his own cone, Barley perked up and made it through the rest of the week much happier than before. His little friend was just like him again.

Barley is now fully recovered and happy to be back to his old tricks. Of course, Fluffy is right by his side for it all.

Some people may wonder what would happen if Fluffy ever got lost. Barley would be so unhappy without him, right? Thankfully, his humans told the news that they have two of the same stuffed animals in the event that one ever got lost or damaged.

They even plan to buy more from IKEA to make sure that there is always a stuffed animal for Barley to enjoy. What amazing dog parents!

What did you think of this cute story? Do you have a dog that has a favorite stuffed animal? Drop a line in the comments, and then pass this along to others!