Dog Cries Out In Joy After Months Apart From Owner
Aug 06, 2020 by apost team
Freya the German shepherd reunited with her owner after a few months apart. Her crying out of happiness from the reunion was captured on camera.
One of the main reasons that people love their pets is the bond they can form with them. No matter what kind of pet you have, it is certain that they have a way of brightening your day. With these close attachments, its no wonder why so many people choose to have pets in their homes. If there is one particular type of pet that human especially bond with, it is dogs.

People love the unconditional love and devotion they receive from their canine friends. In a recent video that has taken the internet by storm, this love can be seen when a faithful German shepherd named Freya is reunited with her human after a few months.
Dogs and humans have been companions for a very long time and there are several reasons why this is the case. While dogs no longer assist most people with survival, they are still welcome companions into our lives. Many people have their canine friends with them as they go about their day-to-day activities

It turns out that science has an answer. According to Medical News Today, when humans look at their dogs, it releases a hormone called oxytocin. This same hormone is released when we look at our small children. The research that has been done states that this hormone also allows our dogs to help understand us.
Anyone who has owned a pup can probably tell you a story about a time that their dog came to cuddle them when they felt sad. This sense of our emotions is one of the big reasons why we feel so connected to our canine friends.
Reunited and It Feels so Good

If you're a dog owner, you've probably had the experience of coming home and having your dog act like you've been gone for years. They jump up on you, there are plenty of happy licks, and perhaps even a few barks of joy. With all that being said, imagine what the reaction of your pooch would be if you were gone for months.
In this video, that's exactly what happens. Freya, a German shepherd, and her owner had a tight bond. One day, he had to go away on business for several months. While the man stayed in touch with his wife and furry friend on Skype, it just wasn't the same. After all, for all their intelligence, what do dogs understand about Skype?

With how deep the bond was between Freya and her owner, a simple reunion wouldn’t do. It had to be a big reveal. When it came time for the man to return, a plan was hatched. While the reunion was being recorded, the man hid behind the door. Freya was brought out and her owner revealed himself. Freya instantly became a blur of frenetic motion. She jumped on her owner, licked his face, turned in circles, and howled. Yes, she howled in the joy that her owner was back and with her once again.
At one point, Freya curls up in her owner's lap and licks his face. She is unable to contain her excitement though and gets up to howl once again! This video is a great reminder of why we love dogs so much. They can make us feel like the most important person in the world, no matter what our station in life. It is pure love and can provide so much joy in our lives.
Have you been reunited with a canine friend after a long time away? Do you have a tight bond with your pooch? Show this video to all those dog owners in your life, and let us know all about how your pup makes you feel special when you get home.