Doctors in Delivery Room Witness 23-Year-Old Mom's Extraordinary Birth
Apr 17, 2019 by apost team
Nothing excites a family quite like the prospect of a new baby – unless it’s multiple babies!
According to the Daily Mail, twenty-three-year-old Alexandra Kinova was thrilled when she learned that she was about to have a second baby with her boyfriend, Antonin Kroscen; however, she would soon get the surprise of her life.
The couple was used to the idea of twins with both of their families having multiple births, but they were stunned when the doctor announced that they weren’t just having twins – instead, they were going to have four babies!
While the young couple struggled to adjust to the thought of having four new babies, an ultrasound the next month informed them that Alexandra was actually pregnant with five children.
Alexandra explains that she was so overcome with emotion that she actually started to cry when doctors located a fifth head on the ultrasound. Ultrasounds were scattered, revealing only random heads and legs. While the sexes of the babies were un-determinable in the ultrasounds, the couple began to anxiously await their new arrivals.
The likelihood of a couple naturally conceiving five babies or more at once is one in 60 million!
Despite the large number of babies that Alexandra was carrying, she went forward with plans to breastfeed after birth. While Alexandra explained that she wanted to feed them naturally, she also understood that some formula would be necessary.
Just as Alexandra’s pregnancy was unusual, the delivery was just as strange. The hospital the couple delivered at scheduled twice as any doctors and midwives to be in attendance, totaling approximately forty people in the delivery room.

According to, the delivery was complication-free. The family welcomed home four healthy boys named Michael, Alex, Daniel, and Martin along with a little girl named Tereza 31 weeks into the pregnancy.
The newborns were immediately placed in intensive care but were in a stable condition nonetheless.
Not only was this an exciting day for Alexandra and Antonin, but it was also a historic day for their country of the Czech Republic. These quintuplets were the first ones recorded to be born in the country.
"In our country (birth) statistics have been recorded since 1949 and there's no mention of quintuplets," Alena Mechurova, an obstetricion, told reporters. "In the Czech Republic quintuplets are born on average once every 480 years."
What did you think of this amazing story? Do you know anyone who has had more than two babies at once? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!