Divorced Man Of 28 Years Captures Hearts By Mowing His Ex-Wife’s Lawn

Jul 28, 2023 by apost team

When the world is often overshadowed by tales of bitterness and feuding between ex-couples, one heartwarming story from Texas has captured the hearts of people worldwide because of its inspiring message about kindness. 

In 2018, Codie LaChelle Upp-McPhate, then 32 years old, posted a remarkable photo on Facebook that showcased the beautiful relationship her divorced parents have maintained even after 28 years of living separate lives. The photo, which had gone viral after over 20,000 shares, featured her father mowing her mother's lawn. 

Now, many would find it hard to believe that after decades of divorce, her father would still willingly go out of his way to help his ex-wife. However, for McPhate's parents, co-parenting and respect are paramount. 

When she revealed her story to Love What Matters that same year, McPhate said that her dad actually lived in a different state but was fortunately on vacation with his daughter when his ex-wife needed help. Because her mother had bad knees and McPhate's stepfather was not in town at that time, someone had to help with mowing the lawn. 

Her father decided to step up and offered to do the work, knowing that his ex-wife could not get out. It led to McPhate's younger sibling asking her what the reason behind her dad's gesture was.

McPhate, who was then in her early 30s, explained that this was simply an act of kindness from her father because he knew their mother needed help. This selfless act spoke volumes about the character of her dad and the kind of relationship he shares with his ex-wife. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) - istockphoto.com/Sergii Petruk

In a now-deleted social media post, McPhate expressed her gratitude for having two sets of parents who respected and cared for each other. She knew how important it was to show children of divorced couples how to treat people and love their families.

“This is co-parenting,” McPhate shared. “This is how lucky I am to have 4 parents who respect each other, and know that at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is showing your children (Even ones that are 32 years old) how to treat people, and how to love your family, no matter how it came together.” 

The story also resonated with a lot of families after McPhate's post received great feedback. On her photography page at 1822 Photography, a friend said that her story had reached her circle in Louisiana. 

"Isnt this great? I hope people see this and choose to be kind to one another," McPhate replied

However, McPhate had to insist her father didn't do this for recognition. He said he's “no saint,” but it's about choosing kindness whenever possible. He also emphasized that he and his ex-wife made a conscious decision during their divorce to treat each other with respect and compassion. 

Despite the end of their marriage, they acknowledged the love they once shared and realized that it still counts for something. For the sake of raising their children to be good and kind individuals, they knew they had to be good and kind to each other as well.

"I’m very fortunate to have such amazing parents. I know my moms and dads would do anything for each other because we’re family," McPhate concluded.


These divorced parents are a reminder that choosing kindness and respect can have a profound impact on both the individuals involved as well as their children. Do you know someone with a similar experience, or do you think this story would be an inspiration to your friends or family? Pass this along so they can read all about it!

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