Disguised As A Homeless Person Trying To Go In A Luxurious Restuarant, This Millionaire Man Was Insulted By The Staff And Not Allowed In, Until He Showed A Suitcase Full Of Cash
Oct 04, 2018 by apost team
Even people who appear to be among the classiest can sometimes harbor secrets that you know nothing about. A millionaire disguised himself as a homeless person to see how he would be treated at a restaurant. The results are shocking.
Coby Persin is a man who has a YouTube channel that delivers videos that offer insight into some interesting topics. He has often gone out and about to find out what it's like to be a homeless person and to talk to a few of the homeless people who live in his town. Coby recently dressed up like someone homeless with a toboggan and tattered clothing to see how he would be treated.
When Coby entered a restaurant in the city where he lives, he had a bag of trash with him. He asked for a seat in the restaurant, and the waiter didn't want to seat him. The waiter even told Coby that the restaurant was too expensive based on how Coby was dressed.
After hearing the exclamations from the waiter, Coby made a few phone calls. He contacted a friend who quickly arrived at the restaurant in a Rolls-Royce. Coby's friend gave him a briefcase that he soon took inside the restaurant. When Coby showed the waiter a large amount of money inside the briefcase, the waiter's expression soon changed.
Coby started to explain to the waiter that he had money and that he was willing to spend it on food but that he wanted others not to judge someone based on looks alone. Coby also indicated that he had enough money to buy the entire restaurant, which would mean putting the waiter out of a job.
Watch as Coby gets dressed and heads to the business, striking up a conversation that has lead to shocking remarks about the ways that homeless people are treated.