Discover What The Size Of Your Toes Says About Your Future And Wealth

Mar 05, 2018 by apost team

The characteristics of your feet can reveal a lot about your personality and even uncover your future! Foot reading has been practiced in China for thousands of years and according to studies, certain attributes are connected with people who share similar toe traits. Whether your second toe is longer than your big toe, or your baby toe is unusually small, each characteristic says something about you!

Even if you take it with a pinch of salt, it's still fun to know! Go on, we know you want to know what your feet say about you!


If your big toe is longer than your other toes: 

  • You are full of ideas and know how to think outside of the box
  • You are very creative which means  you will create the future you imagine
  • You are intelligent - whether it is science, maths, or languages, whatever your chosen subject you excel in it
  • You can find it difficult to concentrate so you often leave projects unfinished, if you want to succeed you need to make an effort to finish things you start. 


If your big toe is smaller than your other toes: You are a master multitasker

  • You are a master multitasker
  • You are extremely efficient and finish tasks quickly which leave you time to plan your future
  • You are good at negotiating which means you normally get what you want
  • People like you and which makes it easy for you to make people agree with your opinions



Your second toe is longer than your other toes: 

  • Your second toe is linked to leadership so the longer your second toes, the better you are at leading people
  • You have strong beliefs and always stand up for what you believe in 
  • You are resourceful and energetic which means you know how to make the best of any situation 
  • You always show a strong desire and initiative which makes you successful in your chosen career


Your second toe is shorter than your other toes: 

  • This is an indicator that you can't always stand up for yourself
  • You are very trusting and put your faith in the people around you 
  • You are forward-thinking and always planning the future



Your third toe is longer than your other toes: 

  • You tend to be a perfectionist 
  • You are extremely resourceful and dynamic making you a great team member who will progress quickly in your chosen career
  • You tend to focus too much on your work and need to remember to enjoy life a bit 


Your third toe is shorter than your other toes: 

  • You tend . to be lazy and lack initiative, if you want to reach your goals for the future you need to get motivated
  • You have a laid-back nature and people always turn to you for help
  • You enjoy life and the finer things 



Your fourth toe is long and straight: 

  • People always come to you with their problems because you are a great listener
  • Your family is the most important thing in your life and your future is closely entwined with them 
  • You do not need a lot to be happy 


Your fourth toe is shorter than the others: 

  • You are very career orientated, even if it means you have to sacrifice some things in life 
  • You are a goal driven person and always give 100% in order to meet your goals
  • Your love-life is not a priority for you 



Your little toe is extra small: 

  • You have a lot of childish qualities and want life to be fun 
  • You do not enjoy responsibility


You are able to wiggle your little toe separately from the rest: 

  • You are impulsive and adventurous and prefer to live in the now rather than worry about the future
  • You are incredibly charming and draw people to your magnetic personality


You cannot move your little toe separately from the others: 

  • You enjoy routine and planning, you are on the path towards the future you envision and do not plan on deviating from it 
  • You are very loyal and dependable 
  • People can call you boring but you prefer to think of it as predictable


Want to know more about what your feet can tell you about your genealogy and ancestry? Watch this 30-second video now to find out where you could have come from based on the shape of your feet! 


Cute feet, ugly feet, long feet and short feet, they all say something about you! SHARE this interesting article with your friends and loved ones now and let them discover what their feet say about them!