Deliverymen Offer Beer To Distressed Man To Persuade Him To Not Jump Off The Bridge
Aug 29, 2018 by apost team
Heroes come from all kinds of unusual places. Two beer deliverymen in St. Paul turned into unexpected heroes during an ordinary workday when they took extraordinary steps to help another human being.

The two men, Jason Gaebel and Kwame Anderson, were out doing deliveries when they saw a man on the Earl Street Bridge. The man was hanging onto the chain-link fence.
Kwame started filming as Jason asked the man if he was okay.

They pulled over and called 911 when the man said he was going to kill himself.
The cops arrived, but Jason and Kwame kept talking to the man in hopes they could persuade him not to jump.
Kwame said he drew on his viewing of the film "Inside Man" with Denzel Washington as a hostage negotiator. Kwame tried to create a rapport with the man in the same way. He got the man to talk about his family and where he was from, but that still didn't get the man off the bridge.

The man also said he didn't want anything to eat or drink, but then Kwame offered him some of the beer in their truck. He told the man that he could have a case of Coors Light if he came off the bridge.

That did the trick. Authorities took the man to the hospital for a checkup, and the police were able to open the interstate again. They were grateful to the delivery man for taking the time to help out a fellow human being. When the delivery men put the video up online, it got more than 98,000 views.
Check out the video and tell us what you think:
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