Defiant Children Become Successful
Sep 22, 2018 by apost team
Why is it good to have a defiant child? You will see later when the child really begins to have a career. At any rate, opportunities and options will open up later for them. Defiant children have a rather independent nature and prioritize what they desire faster and more concretely than other children. So, you can be proud of your defiant child, because even in childhood they are developing their own personality.
Power struggles and anger
So, when you tell your friends about the power struggles and tantrums at home, most may say it's over for their kids. For some, it never really ends. It can quickly turn into a lot of work for you and feel burdensome. Children are sweet and cuddly, but they have their own minds, and you have to let their personalities unfold. Of course, they should be reprimanded if they do not behave well in public, but when it comes to the job search and other things, they have to make their own decisions.
It is important not to be too controlling and overbearing, because they can become really reactive and throw tantrums even into puberty and older.
Development of children
The study accompanied the child over forty years. That's a very long time. It began at an elementary school age and went through a certain year in adulthood. There ended up being a common result.
Careers of defiant children
There were children who weren't very stubborn. But the defiant ones had higher salaries and better contracts. As mentioned, stubborn people will pursue their goals and not let themselves be diverted from their chosen life path. They build a very important personality trait. There are many people who often broke the rules when they were a kid and did not say much to the adults in their life. But they made their own mistakes. And that's how they came into their success.
They fought with their parents, which ended up not playing a large role later in their lives. They lived their lives and did not let other people pressure them, which is very important for the development of their personalities.
What do the studies say?
One can only speculate about the outcome of stubborn children. Unfortunately, there is not a set structure or a solution to follow. One can only guess on a lot of things. For example, the child has less inhibitions, so their ambitions and interests prevail to a greater extent than other people's. They fight for their goals and do not lose sight of them. They develop a strong sense of honesty and competition.
Parents can breathe easy knowing that a tantrum can perhaps mean a good income and fulfilling job later in life for their child.
Just think about it - let your child develop and grow the way that they want or even need. Tantrums are very unpleasant in the moment, but you will hardly remember them later. Everyone has their own opinions and needs, and when your child whines or pursues their own wants, it can be a very good sign for their development. It is unique and beneficial!
Show this article to your friends, so that they understand that their stubborn and defiant child can have a prosperous future!