Dancer Took Rock-And-Roll To Next Level With Her Incredibly Slick Dance Moves

May 05, 2020 by apost team

Expressing yourself with music and dance is one of the most joyous activities possible. For one woman at the 2020 Rock That Swing Festival, it was very evident. The upbeat routine to "Old Time Rock N Roll" from the movie "Risky Business" not only put a smile on the dancer's face, but everyone who watched her too.

The dancer named Tanya appeared on the dancer floor in a white ensemble reminiscent of the Tom Cruise character in "Risky Business" from her collared shirt to her tall white socks. Cruise's dance moves in the movie were all about high kicks and strutting so Tanya echoed the choreography.

She busted out electrifying dance moves for her solo competition with spins and fancy footwork all over the dance floor. She even did a moonwalk at one point to the cheers of the crowd.

No doubt she had prepared a long time for her solo swing dance performance and it was all worth it when she concluded the dance on the floor doing the splits. The crowd went absolutely crazy and cheered and whistled for a long time.

It's your turn to see what kind of awesome moves she has: 

What a great video to cheer you up today. If you liked it you should pass it on to others who might enjoy a bit of old-time rock and roll.