Dad Crashes His Daughters’ Dance Video—Smooth Moves Gain Him Internet Fame
Oct 28, 2020 by apost team
Most children claim that there are no people more embarrassing in their lives than their parents. From being silly in front of their friends to even crashing their videos or photos, parents are somehow always there. While some children may think that this is a bad thing, we think it is hilarious. Of course, what other way is there to have fun than by embarrassing your children?
In 2015, a video went viral in which two girls showcased a dance routine. While performing, they did not realize that their father snuck into the background of the video and was dancing as well. The video has gained millions of views on YouTube and has gone viral solely for the amazing moves of the father.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)
In one video, a father bursts into the room while his two daughters are making a dance video. Although they are planning to upload the video online, he begins dancing in the background. His moves are actually impressive, although his teenage daughters might not think so. Being teenagers, his daughters believed that he was embarrassing them and that his moves were not that good.
To prove them wrong, their father devised a plan to showcase his dancing to his daughters and make them realize that his dancing was nothing short of amazing. When he noticed that his daughters were making a dance video, he decided that it was his chance to shine.
The girls were planning to show a dance routine that they had been practicing for quite some time. After they hit record and got ready to perform, they did not realize that their father was actually standing in the background on their video.
Once the song began, the three of them leaped into their positions and got ready to give the performance of a lifetime. The father immediately took center stage as he had more rhythm and energy than his daughters. He had only seen his daughters rehearse the routine a few times before the video, however, he was able to replicate their moves perfectly.
After he finished the routine, he began to include his own moves in the video. Some might even go as far as to argue that the father's moves were much more creative than the ones in the routine. At some point during the routine, both of the girls realized that there were noises behind them and turned around to find their father gleefully dancing.
Of course, they were surprised to see him standing there and immediately stopped dancing. The video was paused at that point, however, after watching the video, the girls realized that their father was not so bad at dancing. They chose to upload the video and awaited the results. The video has since gained over 2.3 million views on YouTube and over 100 million views on Facebook.
On that day, the girls realized that their father was actually quite a good dancer. A majority of parents have talents that their children are unaware of. When they finally showcase those talents, the children might be amazed that their parents are capable of such feats.
The video can be found on the family's YouTube page and once you watch it, you will be amazed at how well their father can dance.
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