Civilians Filmed Saving A Police Officer From A Hit And Run
Oct 31, 2018 by apost team
It seems like every day we are hearing about corruption within our police departments. While we know that most police officers are performing their civil service duties to their utmost abilities, we also know that there are some that cannot be trusted.
So, what happens when you see an officer in distress in your neighborhood? Watch Kevin's video and see.
In this Chicago neighborhood, these residents unite. Regardless of their personal preferences, they prove that all people are the same, and, will not allow another person to suffer under any circumstance. When they witnessed this emergency, they jumped into action. Kevin's video will definitely strengthen your faith in humanity.
Last July, two Chicago police officers were racing towards an emergency with their lights flashing and siren blaring when they were cut off by an unknown SUV at an intersection. The SUV sped off as the officer maneuvered his truck as quickly as possible to avoid a collision.
While he managed to avoid a collision with the SUV, the truck ended up smashing into a tree.
Kevin's video shows neighbors immediately responding. People were coming out of their homes to offer immediate assistant. Kevin's video shows local residents checking on the condition of the officers and helping them out of their vehicle.
One resident, Belinda Chism, even ran back to her house to get pillows and blankets for them as they waited for emergency personnel to arrive.
The crash was so loud that Pastor Phillip Cusic heard it from inside his church. He heard the screeching of the brakes as the truck slid on the pavement and then heard the boom of the impact. Hoping that no one was hurt and knowing what he'd just heard, he looked outside and immediately raced across the street to see if the officers were OK.
Kevin kept his video rolling as other cars stopped to offer assistance. He was amazed at the outpouring of support for the police officers.
It just goes to show that when push comes to shove, people will do the right thing. In this case, the right thing was to make sure these two people were OK, without anyone considering their own personal bias.
What about you? Do you have a video or story about your faith in humanity? We'd love to hear about them - so let us know in the comments! Don't forget to share this amazing story with your friends and family.