Choose A Native American Totem To See What Your True Spiritual Powers Are
Aug 06, 2018 by apost team
Many ancient cultures, including Native American tribes, have used totem poles to not only identify their tribe but to represent spiritual symbols. Totem poles are also considered to be a protective symbol. The totem pole you choose will reveal a good bit about your personality. It will also reveal the type of spiritual power you likely possess.
Take a look at the images below and choose the totem pole that draws you in. Don’t think about, just pick with your gut instinct. Then read on to find out what that choice really means.

1. The Owl

Choosing the owl shows that you can be very calm and collected. Just as owls are able to see in the dark; in a similar way, you can see right through a lie. You have a very wise nature surrounding you and you are mature beyond your years. You give off an aura of energy that draws in others. You always stay cool and collected while storms rage around you. Your soul has been around for many lifetimes. You are happy when you can be alone and away from the hustle and bustle of life.
2. The Eagle

Picking the eagle as your totem means that you have a lot of drive and ambition. You will always go above and beyond what is necessary to get to the top. You will succeed and you will break every barrier in front of you to make your dream a reality. Once you have achieved your goal, you still do not rest. You want to push on, past your limits. Your soul is a living representation of both fire and passion. Your desire is just like the eagles, and that is to soar above everyone else. Nothing can stop you after you have set your mind on something.
3. The Ox

Choosing the ox means that you will always stand up in the face of danger. You won’t back down when the going gets tough. However, these strengths are not always obvious to everyone who meets you. You usually keep these powers hidden away until they are really needed. You have a great deal of humility and this is one of your defining qualities, not your courage. Your soul wants to help others more than it wants to help itself. You wish to be successful but you will do so quietly. You are an amazing example to those around you, and you inspire friends and family to be the best that they can be.
4. The Bear

If you picked the bear as your totem, you wish to dominate and command the room when you walk in. You have the presence to do so because just being around makes others respect you. You display strength at times that other people cower back in fear. You will step up and take the lead when the people around you are too scared to. You are not afraid of a challenge in any way, shape, or form. This choice means that your soul doesn’t need any assistance. You are wild and free like the bear you picked. You’ll tear into anyone who threatens your safety. You will overcome the odds every time, and you are always a tower of strength.
5. The Wolf

Picking the wolf means that you have a very unique personality. While you are truly a loner, you still rely on your pack to provide you with the protection you need. You are actually a mix of all the other totem poles. You have a very special charm that you only reveal when you want to. You like to remain mysterious. Your soul lives in a gray area of morality. Things are not black and white when seen through your eyes. You can tell if someone is evil or not just from being around them. If they are hiding something from you, you can tell.
What totem pole did you pick? Was it a true representation of your personality? Let us know in the comments and pass this article along to friends and family!