Cher's Son — Chaz Bono — Is A Successful Transgender Actor Who Overcame Life's Trials
Aug 28, 2020 by apost team
Some of you might remember celebrity Chaz Bono, formerly known as Chastity Bono. While he was originally known for being a celebrity child, he has recently entered the world of acting.
One of his most notable roles is Gark K. Longstreet in the TV series American Horror Story: Cult. While he has achieved some fame, his journey to this point was anything but easy.
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Chaz was born on March 4, 1969. According to, after a childhood of struggling to cope with his identity, Chaz came out as a lesbian at the young age of 18. He later decided that he identified more as a male rather than a female and transitioned to a male at age 39. During the year 2010, he officially changed his gender and name to match his recent transition. Now, Chaz is 51 years old and living his best life.
Chaz decided to use his experience to help others who were facing similar issues. He wrote a book with specific details such as his mother's reaction to him claiming that he was a lesbian. The book was titled Family Outing: A Guide to the Coming Out Process for Gays, Lesbians, and Their Families. He comments on his experiences from his childhood:
" a child, I always felt there was something different about me. I'd look at other girls my age and feel perplexed by their obvious interest in the latest fashion, which boy in class was the cutest, and who looked the most like Covergirl Christie Brinkley. When I was 13, I finally found a name for exactly how I was different. I realized I was gay."
Chaz noted that throughout his childhood, a majority of his closest friends were males and that he felt like he belonged with them. His experiences were later put onto the big screen in the film Becoming Chaz.
This film was showcased at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and later on the Oprah Winfrey Network. While his mother's reaction towards Chaz's sexual orientation and gender change were not initially positive, she eventually came around and accepted Chaz for whoever he wanted to be. She even became an avid spokesperson for LGBTQ+ people.
Chaz claims that his mother always secretly suspected that he was gay, however, the hurt and frustration that she experienced came mostly from not being told this sooner. She felt betrayed that she was the last person to know. Now, Chaz and his family are on great terms and being there for each other as a family should.
"A lot of parents never speak to their transgender kids again; that's not the case in my family."
Chaz's career kicked off while he was still known as Chastity. Since then, he has made a name for himself and even achieved the title of being the first transgender man to ever compete on the show Dancing with the Stars.
Chaz's story may be unique, but countless individuals are going through the same struggles as he did during his childhood. His experiences and how he overcame any hurdles in his life serve as an inspiration for all those closeted individuals just waiting for the right moment to shine.
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