Celtic Thunder's Rendition Of 'Amazing Grace' Considered Outstanding Performance
Jan 14, 2020 by apost team
"Amazing Grace" is a Christian hymn that can be traced all the way back to the late 1700s, and it's considered by many to be some of the most beautiful lyrics ever written. Needless to say, there are many famous renditions of the song that have been recorded by great artists. This particular rendition by musical group Celtic Thunder has proven to be extremely popular on Youtube in particular, gaining many views.

Even though you have heard many covers of the song, the one by Celtic Thunder is unlike any other. The group included an amazing arrangement of the song on their Christmas album "Celtic Thunder Christmas."
If you haven't already heard of them, the group formed in 2007, and it is comprised completely of singers from Ireland and Scotland who sing in the traditional Celtic style. Over the 13 years that the group has existed, some of the members have changed, and the ages and backgrounds of the performers vary to a minor extent, according to Wikipedia.


The group has been lauded as one of the greatest singing groups, and they have won some prestigious awards that include being named "Top World Music Artist" by Billboard, and the group also has several "Top World Album" prizes, Wikipedia mentions.
The live shows of Celtic Thunder are not only musically fantastic, but the performances are livened up by visuals of Celtic scenery.
The history of the song "Amazing Grace" is worth noting. It is considered one of the most important Christian hymns today, but the original lyricist of the song was a poet whose childhood was not grounded in religion. The lyrics were derived from a poem by an Englishman named John Newton.

Newton spent years as a slave trader, but he realized that he needed to change his ways, so he turned to Christianity to enrich his life. He became a clergyman, and this led to his love for writing hymns and Christian poetry, according to Biography.com.
After having heard Amazing Grace performed many times during times of loss, one might not think that a new version could really make a big impact, but the one by Celtic Thunder manages to. Their Christmas album features this great performance along with some other traditional Christmas songs and Celtic folk tunes.
Did you check out the performance of this song by the Celtic group? Let us know what you think of it in the comments, and don't forget to send links to this story for your friends and family on social media.