Cat Sneaks Into A Zoo Enclosure And Becomes BFFs With A Lynx
Jul 26, 2020 by apost team
Staff at the St Petersburg Zoo in Russia were stunned when they discovered a kitten had decided that it was time to make its home there with some of the wilder animals a few years ago.
The homeless cat seems more than comfortable, after having snuck into the lynx enclosure and making a new friend.
That’s right! Imagine the surprise of both the zoo visitors and staff when they looked into the lynx pen and discovered that a domestic kitty had made itself at home.
As it turned out, the calico kitten was homeless so she had obviously found herself a place to stay. Not only did she enjoy the opportunity to have warm shelter and food, but she had made close friends with the much-larger cat, as reported here by Time.
While the lynx is several times the cat’s size, we can see from the photos that the two creatures are remarkably close. The calico cat is seen snuggling up against the larger animal and even trying to climb up on her back.
When zoo workers noticed the kitty, they were initially concerned but discovered that there was no need to worry. The bigger animal had taken the little cat under her protection and seemed to love the once-homeless creature.
Since the two were already friends, the zoo decided to just let the calico stay. She has since spent the rest of her life alongside the large lynx. Despite their size difference, the two love to snuggle and groom one another.
The word about the new arrival at the zoo began to spread quickly and people were anxious to come to see the brave house cat that had decided she wanted to be adopted by the wild creature. People have traveled for many miles to come to take pictures through the glass that separates the cats from human visitors. The cat is no longer a kitten; instead, she is a full-grown house cat, but she still loves her large friend as much as day one.
While this is an unlikely friendship, it is one that seems destined to last the test of time. If you ever go through Russia, be sure to stop by the zoo and see this amazing pair. Until then, you and your friends can enjoy the picture selections and marvel at the sweet bond these cats share. What do you think of the zoo allowing the kitten to stay with the large lynx?