Cat Named Jack Has Deep Meow Making Him Sound Like A Human
Jan 03, 2020 by apost team
Nature is wild and filled with all sorts of crazy miracles. Here's one of the wildest and sweetest sounds you'll find online. Like Jack the cat whose baritone crooning has users thinking he sounds human.

This black and white spotted cat has an impossibly deep voice. He blows Barry White out of the water with his meowing. Jack's owner introduced him to the world via YouTube and the world couldn't be more thrilled. The video has gone viral with millions of views and counting from amazed cat enthusiasts. I think the more people that fall in love with Jack's sweet Jazz tones, the better.
According to the anonymous but awesome owner, Jack's baritone meow is probably the result of a condition known as laryngeal paralysis, a condition that disables the voice boxes of animals, including cats. Sometimes this is a worrying sign of a greater health threat, but Jack has passed all his physicals with a clean bill of health so you don't need to worry; the kitty is happy and safe.

While most of the video comments are thrilled about Jack's awesome voice, a fraction of YouTubers have come up with a different interpretation. They pointed out that Jack's voice sounds like he's imitating a human voice.
Do you think this cat sounds human? Let us know your thoughts below and make sure your friends and family don't miss out!