Caretaker Hoses Down Baby Elephant For Bath Time, But Clumsy Cutie's "Dive" In Has Onlookers Cracking Up
Aug 09, 2018 by apost team
Let's be totally honest, friends. Your pet dog or cat is adorable to watch during bath time, but many of our furry friends don't enjoy it. This amazing creature from the animal kingdom, however, truly relishes some time in the tub. Baby elephants are the cutest to see roll around and splash in the water, and one caretaker at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace & Royal Kraal in Thailand proved it as he got a big red tub ready.
The cameras were rolling, so you cannot miss this happy moment because it will warm your heart in every way. A baby elephant named "Double Trouble" was looking forward to his bath time, and the caretaker began filling up the tub with the hose. A little girl with blonde curls stood nearby and was delighted when "Double Trouble" made his awkward entry into the tub. Her family and friend were also in the background waiting to see the bath time ritual.
The baby elephant placed two feet into the red bin as his big Mama elephant stood nearby. "Double Trouble" tried unsuccessfully to get into the tub gracefully and took a dive in of sorts, landing face down. The little girl giggled along with onlookers who couldn't stop laughing. The baby elephant wasn't done yet, and got out of the tub and reentered again in the clumsiest way. He went in headfirst and his back feet were up in the air.
"Double Trouble" was having a ball, and the caretaker let Mama sip from the hose. He also allowed the little girl and her mother take the hose and water down the baby elephant. It looks easier than it was because "Double Trouble" later grabbed the hose and playfully took off. Everyone was in stitches, and the baby elephant was clean and running free. This is totally adorable.
You will instantly chuckle when you enjoy this must-see video. There's nothing cuter than baby elephants at bath time. Pass this video on to your loved ones and make them smile!