Car Repairman Fixes Single Moms Truck For Free Then She Tricks Him Into His Own Garage With A Plan
Aug 07, 2019 by apost team
Candice Berry, who is a single mother, recently bought a used truck which she thought was in good working order. It turns out the truck had a laundry list of problems, which repair shops told her were going to cost quite a bit of money.
A mechanic told her she needed new brakes. However, she didn't have the money to get the problem resolved, putting her in a tricky situation.

She told the that the truck is her daily driver and that she needs it in order to get to work. She ended up calling around and discovered it would be quite costly to fix her truck, but she got lucky in the process.
She wound up calling Adam Ely, who is an individual who does a tremendous service for the community. Adam goes around helping people diagnose the issues with their vehicles, which he does completely free of charge. He also works on vehicles and owns a repair shop, but is one of the few honest mechanics out there.

Getting a vehicle repaired does not only entail the repair costs, however, as many shops also charge a hefty diagnostic fee. Adam, however, told KFOR:
When you go to a car repair place, you’re vulnerable; the last thing you want is to be charged a $150 to have a mechanic tell you what’s wrong with your car when you already know that your car’s broken.”

He simply wants to make the world a better place and is intent on helping people out in the community that may be struggling. He was recognized by a camera crew, who were alerted to his story by the woman who had her car repaired by Adam. Candice Berry was truly touched by the experience and was ecstatic that she would be able to present Adam with a big thank you and four hundred dollars.
There are far too few people in this world that simply want to do something good for others, but Adam really is a shining star. We should all take a look at the selfless work that he does on a regular basis and reflect on our own lives.
You can watch the story in the video below:
What do you think of Adam's selfless act of kindness? If you want to make a positive difference in this world, you might want to consider offering your services to another person. Start by spreading the love and showing this story to your friends and family.