Can You Work Out The Next Shape In This Tricky Series (And Explain Why?)
Nov 22, 2017 by apost team
This is by far one of the most difficult brainteasers we have ever tried! To be honest, we had to cheat and check the answer because we could not figure it out so we thought we would challenge you to try and work it out! All you have to do is choose which shape will follow in this sequence...
Did you figure it out? It is a very tricky one so if you are stumped, we don't blame you! Do you give up?
The solution is: A
Still confused? We will explain.
Pi = 3.141592653... and each image is related to a pie value! The number of straight lines on each shape corresponds to the digits of pi so the next one in the series would be 3 which is A!
SHARE now and challenge your friends and loved ones to figure out this riddle!