Can You Handle This Advanced 7-Minute At Home Workout That Targets Your Whole Body?

Jul 13, 2018 by apost team

If you're running low on time and energy and can't make it into the gym everyday, don't give up. These exercises are simple, and the best part is: they can be done in the comfort of your very own home! We've compiled this list using interval training as a basis, which is something everyone from at-home-moms to pro athletes can benefit from. 

How it works: do every exercise for at least 30 seconds, and rest for 30 seconds in between exercises. If you follow instructions, this workout will only take you 7 minutes!

1. Jumping Jacks (30 second warm-up)

2. Push Ups (30 seconds)

3. Bicycle Crunches (1 min seconds)

4. Squats (1 min)

5. Core-Targeting Planks (1 min - push yourself!)

6. Mountain Climbers (1 min)

7. Side Plank - With Push-Up, If You're Feeling Up For It! (1 min)

That's it! Great job! Now that wasn't as hard as you thought it would be, was it? If you haven't tried it out yet, show this to a friend so you can work towards your fitness goals together!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!