Britain's Largest Family With 22 Kids Has Plans To Design Own Home To Fit Their Needs

Feb 08, 2022 by apost team

The Radfords are a British family that has chronicled their family lifestyle for years. The family first rose to fame after starring in the 2012 documentary "15 Kids and Counting," which aired on British public access network Channel 4. Fans watched as the family continued to grow, and their newest show, "22 Kids and Counting," currently airs on Channel 5

The couple had their first child, Christopher, when Sue was just 14 and Noel was 18. They run Radford's Pie Company in Heysham, England, which they have owned and operated as a family since 1999. 

After celebrating the birth of their youngest daughter in 2018, Sue and Noel Radford now have 22 children and 11 grandchildren in total. In addition to their TV show, the couple frequently takes to social media to share details about their lives and explain how they function as a family of 24. 

On Feb.1, 2022, the couple uploaded a video on Youtube titled "Q&A! Answering Your Questions." In the video, they answered some of their fans' questions about their upcoming plans and life updates. 

Thirty minutes into the video, Sue announced that they were going to answer the question they've been asked the most: are they ever going to move?

The short answer is yes. After looking at plots that sold before the couple could make an offer, Noel explained that they may have finally found a place to call home. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Searching For The Perfect Place 

In the beginning of the video, the couple announced that they would be answering some questions from their fans. One of the first questions they answered was about their daughter's pregnancy, how she told her parents and how she announced it to the public.

The couple told the story of their daughter's pregnancy announcement. They said that their daughter, Chloe, had sent them an Ultrasound scan in a text message to tell them she was pregnant, and at first, they didn't think it was hers. They went on to explain how happy and excited they are for their daughter and the birth of her first child. 

This new addition, along with the other children and grandchildren the parents host, is the reason the family wanted to move. Though their house is large, it's anything but private. On their TV show, fans can see that neighboring houses are feet away from the family's backyard and garden. 

The couple explained that though they have wanted to move for months, it hasn't been easy to find a property. The family wants both space and privacy, and they had no idea how difficult it would be for them to find exactly what they wanted. "We want it to be super private, out in the middle of nowhere," Sue said. 

Though they found a few properties that they loved, they were sold before the couple could make an offer. "We're absolutely gutted, aren't we?" Sue said about the search for the perfect place. Still, the couple kept looking.

A New Place To Call Home

After months of searching, they announced that their search may finally be over. The couple said that they are looking at "a brilliant plot." The land originally came with permission to build three different four-bedroom houses. After speaking with their architect, the couple said they should be able to change that clearance to build one large house instead. 

Fans have watched as the Radfords made changes to their current home. Over the years, the couple has poured thousands into renovations and additions to make their house more functional for them. The renovations included a complete makeover of the top floor, landscaping in the garden and even a $6500 freezer. 

Even with the renovations, the couple said that their current living situation just isn't the best fit for them. This is why they are building their own home, and fans can't wait to see how it will be designed and customized to fit their entire family. 

Now that the Radfords have officially announced their move, fans will be watching to see what changes they make to sell their current home. Their house is the most common backdrop for their show, so the public has been able to see all the custom changes they've made to make the house better suited to them. Given the public nature of their lives, there are likely other large families waiting for the Radfords to put their home on the market. 

No matter where the couple decides to move, thousands will watch them on their journey to move all their belongings and children to make their new house a home. 

What do you think the family's new home will look like? Pass this along to someone you know who loves Britain's biggest family!

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