Boy Passes Away Days After Falling Off Bike After Doctors Missed A Detail About His Wounds
Aug 27, 2018 by apost team
Many children fall off their bike every year, but not all of them end up dying days later. This boy lost his life days after visiting the hospital for what seemed like a simple wound.
It's always sad to hear about a child passing away, but it is extra sad when that child passes away from a simple injury. A little boy named Liam Flanagan died from what seemed like a wound that would heal quickly.
Liam had fallen off of his bike, which many children do. His parents felt it was serious enough to take him to the hospital, so they took him to the emergency room. He received stitches in the wound, but the doctors did not give him antibiotics because they didn't feel as though it was serious enough.
A few days later, Liam's parents noticed that he was still in pain. When they looked at the site, they noticed that his skin had purple and blue areas. They thought it was abnormal, and they returned to the hospital. What happened next was unfortunate. The medics tested Liam and discovered that he had picked up a rare skin parasite and flesh-eating bacteria by the name of necrotizing fasciitis. Specialists believe he got it from the bacteria in the soil.
What's sad about these bacteria is that they're not an ordinary kind. It's rare and very aggressive and difficult to stop once it gets started. Time is of the essence with this illness. It was already very late in the process when they tried to care for Liam. They gave him surgical procedures to cut out the infection. They amputated limbs just to spare his life.
Sadly, he did not make it. It was just too late.
No one knows if he would have made it if the doctors would have prescribed antibiotics right away. All anyone knows is that this is a very unfortunate incident.
Check out this video for the whole story:
The parents spread this story so other parents are advised to examine wounds more thoroughly and get medical help as quickly as possible. Pass this on to your friends and loved ones to warn them, too.