Big Sister Crawls Into Crib To Protect Newborn Baby And Refuses To Let Anyone Take Her Away

Oct 01, 2018 by apost team

The sibling bond is one that should never be underestimated. If you have brothers or sisters, you already know this truth! You can talk trash about your siblings, but heaven forbid anyone else does. You'll stand up for them no matter what.

Here's an older sister that recently demonstrated the power of sisterly love. She wasn't about to let anyone else come between her and her newborn sibling. Her parents captured this heartwarming moment.

Their mom, Ashley Neville, had just given birth to Peyton. Henley, the older sister, was incredibly excited about this! She's only one and a half but already has that big sister instinct.

Henley wanted to meet Peyton for real. So her parents and the hospital staff let her crawl into Peyton's bassinet. Henley and Peyton cuddled up close. It was such a precious scene!

Their grandmother wanted to meet Peyton, too, but not on Henley's watch. You can hear Grandma cautiously ask Henley if she could take the baby. Henley merely glared in response. She still wanted sister cuddle time.

Grandma made several attempts to pick up Peyton. Henley prevented her each time. Other people asked Henley politely if they could hold Peyton instead. No such luck! Henley was super protective of her sister. It was almost like she was a human shield.

So the family decided to try something else. Rather than fight with Henley or just keep trying (and failing) to pick up Peyton themselves, they went a different route. The family decided to work with Henley instead. They let Henley have all the cuddle time she wanted. After all, it's so important for siblings to get to know each other. It makes family time more fun and sets everyone up for success as the kids get older.

Are you an older sibling, younger sibling, or an only child? What adorable things did you do when your siblings were born? Let us know in the comments, and pass this heartwarming story along to your friends and family!