Beware Of These 5 Mind Games Emotionally Weak Men Play With Women
Dec 10, 2018 by apost team
Insecure men are one of the worst kinds of men to date. Because of their insecurities, they constantly need attention and validation to feel good. They become frustrated with everything in life because they lack self-esteem. Instead of developing self-confidence, they gain strength by putting you down.
Once you are under their power, these kinds of men feel important. They want to control you because it gives them a sense of power. Unfortunately, they rarely advertise their negative habits. They act like a perfectly normal boyfriend at the start of the relationship. It is only after you have fallen under his spell that he starts to reveal his true colors. At first, you might even assume that he just needs a bit of guidance and direction. Then, you realize that so much more is going on.
You might mistakenly think that you can change him, but it is impossible to change this type of person. He is unhappy with who he is, so there is nothing you can do to make him happy. Until he learns self-confidence, he will not be able to have a healthy relationship with anyone. You end up crying yourself to sleep and struggling with your inner turmoil. At some point, you realize that you are just getting manipulated and used. All you can do is move on and avoid dating someone like this in the future.
1. He Makes You Feel Ashamed
He cannot feel good about who he is, so he naturally wants you to feel bad about yourself as well. To feel better about who he is, he has to put you down. He wants you to feel ashamed of who you are so that you never realize that you are too good for him. In his heart, he knows that you will leave as soon as you discover that you are a better person than he is.
In this type of circumstance, you should never give your boyfriend the chance to make you feel terrible. Do not listen to his manipulative statements or feel ashamed of who you are. He might try to make you dependent on him, but you do not have to listen to him. If he does something like this on a regular basis, then just move on because you do not need someone like this in your life.
2. He Always Blames You
This is one of the most common signs. When someone has a poor self-esteem, they cannot accept the blame. If he recognized his own mistakes, it would only hurt his ego even more. Instead of growing up and accepting responsibility, he engages in emotional abuse. He tricks you into believing that everything is your fault.
When you experience this in your relationship, the best thing you can do is leave. Do not bother with trying to discuss the problem or convince him that he is wrong. You will only end up exhausting yourself. Instead, leave the room and talk to your friends. If he has made you question your own sanity, your friends can console you and tell you if your feelings are justified.
3. He Is Mean
When a guy is emotionally insecure, he will do everything that he can to cover up his insecurities. Initially, he will treat you like the most amazing person in the world. Once he has you hooked, he stops acting like he cares. He becomes obnoxious, rude and uncaring. All he wants to do is hide his insecurities and break down your ego.
If your boyfriend does this, warn him that his behavior is not acceptable. Let him know how you feel when he acts like this and ask him to stop doing it. If he does not change how he acts, move on because you deserve better.
4. He Likes To Bait And Switch
Unfortunately, most people have experienced this type of behavior before. When you get in an argument, he may try to win at first. As soon as his argument is no longer going well, he will try to blame you instead. Suddenly, the argument is all about how you are the problem. Even if you did nothing wrong, he will try to manipulate you to think that you are the issue. Most likely, you will end up getting tired of arguing and some point and let him have his way. It just seems pointless to argue about it anymore.
If you deal with this type of guy, do not back down. You do not deserve to be blamed for things that you did not do, and someone who loves you will never make you miserable. If you cannot stand this type of argument, then move on. He will only become worse as time goes on.
5. He Is Emotionally All Over The Place
When you are with someone who is emotionally insecure, it feels like you are always on a roller coaster. You could be enjoying an amazing date together, but something changes in just a moment. Suddenly, he starts acting like something is wrong with you. You even wonder if he actually likes you or is thinking about breaking up with you. As you start to worry about his behavior, he suddenly flips the switch and is nice again.
In this scenario, talk to him about why he is acting that way. If he is worried about something else, listen to him and offer advice. If he ignores your request and continues to act poorly, he might just want to get attention. He could also be trying to manipulate your emotions and hurt your self-esteem. If this is the case, forget about him and move on.
Have you dated someone like this before? Please write your thoughts in the comment section below! We would love to read them! Make sure that your friends do not have to put up with this type of boyfriend by telling them about these mind games!