Beluga Whale Photobombs A Couple's Wedding Ceremony At Aquarium
Nov 13, 2019 by apost team
A random chance sighting of a whale in the ocean is rare, but people do see them. Seeing a whale at a wedding, however, is probably one of the rarest chance events anyone could imagine. Yet, a Beluga whale did find a way to be a wedding crasher. At least the seafaring mammal did so in a positive way.

A couple selected a unique location for their wedding. The bride and groom sought to marry at an aquarium in Mystic, CT. The two have a passion for the ocean, as evidenced by their choice location for the nuptials. Taking wedding pictures among the backdrop of the aquarium creates memorable images.

And then along came the beluga whale who decided to make things even more memorable. The whale swam up behind the couple as the minister performed the ceremony. The whale chose to swim back and forth. Perhaps the creature was curious about what the humans were doing that day.
Images of the photobombing whale found their way to the internet. Not surprisingly, the photos went viral. People found the images to be outright hilarious. The lucky bride and groom might be surprised they are internet sensations, although they are the supporting cast in the event. The beluga whale takes center stage during the proceedings.
See how your friends, family, co-workers, and others react to the wild pictures of the "whale wedding guest." The images could make everyone's day.