Ballerinas Stand On Stage With Puppets, Steal The Show With Humorous Dance Breaks
Apr 04, 2020 by apost team
What looked like nine ballerinas walking out onto the stage was actually a hilarious performance from three. They used sticks to control life-size puppets that looked liked ballerinas as they danced their way through classic orchestra music, with sudden breaks into more modern music.

This performance begins with three ballerinas each controlling two puppets. Because of the way they seamlessly move with the puppets, it almost looks like there are nine total dancers. But in reality, there are only three human dancers.
Every time the ballerina moves, the puppet mimics their movements. This unique mix of ballet, comedy, and acting translates into a performance that is definitely unique.

These three ballerinas are clearly very skilled. It is hard enough to master the dance moves on your own. Doing it while controlling the movements of the two puppets makes this routine extremely impressive. Not only does it require serious upper-body strength to pull off this feat, but they obviously needed amazing leg strength.
This silly video showcases the beauty of the dance while also providing a little comic relief. From dancers performing jumping jacks with their puppets, to the raising the roof gesture, this performance is singular on the ballet stage.

The grand finale of the show happens when the ballet dancers spin the puppets around in a 360-degree turn and continue to do it over and over again. It is no wonder that the audience was so delighted by this routine.
You should watch this performance yourself. Tell us what you think below, and after you have watched this fabulous dance performance, consider spreading the clip to all of your friends and family so that they can also enjoy it.