Baby Girl Is Entertained By Her Uncle's Animated Voices When He Reads Her Favorite Book
Feb 16, 2020 by apost team
People who don’t have children of their own rarely understand the personalities that even the tiniest of babies can begin to display at a young age. By the time that babies are a year old, they have already managed to start enjoying many things in life.
This video clip of an uncle reading to his niece is proof positive that even the smallest of babies can enjoy some fun moments spent with their family.

The book is called “Brown Bear! Brown Bear!” and it appears to just be a simple picture book for babies; however, this uncle isn’t going to just read it – he’s going to make the most of the experience. He takes the book and presents it to his niece, showing her the pictures as he puts his heart into acting the entire thing out along with hilarious sound effects.

The uncle is growling for the bear from the very start, getting an instant rousing laugh out of the baby, reports InspireMore. The little girl can’t seem to control her laughter as she listens to her uncle perform. She hangs on every word that he says as if he’s the funniest thing that she’s ever seen.

Uncle seems to get just as into the book reading as the little girl as he makes hilarious faces and puts his heart into the performance. We’re sure that he loves spending time with his baby niece and seeing how much he can make her laugh.

Truth be told, this little girl probably does consider her uncle to be one of the funniest things in her life, and we bet she looks forward to spending time with him! This is not only an adorable video clip but also an important reminder that it’s never to early to start forming a bond with children.
If you have a baby in your life, then it’s important to start looking for ways to connect with them. Did you or do you read to your children? Let us hear about your experience and share any suggestions you have for other activities that parents can do with their babies.