Avoid The Pain of Osteoporosis With These 7 Tips

Jun 15, 2018 by apost team

53 Million. That’s the number Markus MacGill from Medical News Today says are affected by bone-loss disease. 

Here’s another number for you: 206. That’s how many bones are in the human body. Now, imagine what happens when those 206 pieces of collagen and calcium start to break down. The result is fragile bones, loss of mobility, and for many, pain. The good news is bone loss and osteoporosis are not natural to the aging process. We are discovering you have control over how well you age. Lifestyle choices can play a positive roll on the quality of the years ahead. 

Here are seven tips to improve your bone health and stay active longer. 

Milk: Not the Only Champion for Calcium 


Your body is great at self-survival. When it needs something, like calcium, it finds a place in your body where it’s stored. If the body is in short supply of calcium, then it opens up your bones to get it. But did you know milk is not the only, or even the best, source of calcium? Dark leafy greens, dairy products, almonds, some seafood and fruits are great sources of calcium. Eat more calcium sources to strengthen your bones. 


Boost Estrogen 


Estrogen is important for promoting bone development. Our bodies do not produce this hormone efficiently as we age. Soybean products such as edamame, contain chemicals which act like estrogen. By adding this to your diet, you may improve bone strength. 

Get the Right Vitamins 


Did you know your entire skeleton is replaced every 10 years through a process called remodeling? Now imagine if you fed your body all the best ingredients to influence the quality of the structure. It’s like building a house with brick rather than straw. Build your bones with the best vitamins! Vitamin D has been found to improve bone health because it produces the hormone Calcitriol which absorbs calcium and phosphorous. 

Avoid Smoking 


Tobacco is a hormone disrupter. With every puff you take, you could be robbing your body of estrogen and your bones of the ability to hold calcium and other minerals which give them strength. 

Stress your Muscles 


Low-impact exercise can mean high-impact health for you bones. Bones can become stronger when you live a more active lifestyle. As they say, “use it or lose it” and when it comes to working out, just thirty minutes a day of some form of exercise can keep you moving longer. 

Reach for the Sky


Stretching keeps you limber and can strengthen your bones. Yoga is a popular form of gentle stretching and just 12 minutes of tree, warrior, triangle, bridge and other similar poses can benefit your bones. 

Drink to your Bone Health 


Here’s another reason to drink responsibly: bone health. An Oregon State University study showed that 1-2 alcoholic beverages a day can improve bone density. The study included women that combined several healthy lifestyle choices including a healthy diet and some form of exercise. 

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Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!