Avoid Overeating With These 8 Tips

Jul 12, 2018 by apost team

Even if most of your food choices are healthy ones, if you overeat, you might find yourself struggling with your weight. It is easy to overeat if you aren't paying attention and are doing other things while you are eating. However, the tips below may help you slow down and eat less.

1. Hydrate


It sounds too easy to be true, but in fact, signals of thirst often are read as hunger by the body. However, don't turn to high-calories juices or soft drinks. The next time you think you're feeling hungry, try turning to that low-calorie, healthy drink water and see if that makes your hunger pangs go away.


2. Frequent Small Meals


If you are eating frequently, you won't ever get extremely hungry, so you won't be tempted to overeat. Try increasing how often you have a little meal or snack if you feel hungry throughout the day.

3. Use Little Plates


Less food on a smaller plate can trick you into thinking you're eating more than you are and helps with portion control. What about the stomach though? You might actually be surprised to find that you don't need as much food as you think. Give yourself about 15 minutes before taking a second helping. By then, you may find you are actually satiated.

4. Eat Your Breakfast


It might seem like skipping an entire meal is a good way to shed calories, but in fact, not eating breakfast generally just leads to overeating for the rest of the day. Eating breakfast helps keep your metabolism regulated, and a high protein breakfast can give you the energy you need for the rest of the morning.

5. Start With A Salad


This is another way of tricking your body into thinking it's getting more food than it really is. Starting with a salad is a healthy, low-calorie way to take the edge off your hunger and ensure that you don't overeat throughout the rest of the meal. Be sure it's a healthy salad with lots of vegetables and not too many high-calorie toppings or too much dressing.

6. Slow Down


Chewing and eating more slowly will give your body more time to savor the meal and recognize that it is full. According to one study, it can take 12 to 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message that it is satisfied. The more you weigh, the longer it will take.

7. Add Protein


Protein can help stave off those nagging feelings of hunger by making you feel more satiated. Try to add a little protein to every meal. It will also burn extra calories more quickly. However, be sure that you don't have too much protein for your size and activity level.

8. Let Yourself Have Treats


It's a lot harder to stick to a healthy eating plan if you think you'll never get to eat your favorite foods again. Be sure to schedule in a treat every week or so as a reward and to prevent obsessing and bingeing on the food. You will also find the process of teaching yourself to avoid overeating more enjoyable.

How have you successfully combatted overeating? Add your tips in the comments, and encourage your friends to do the same.

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