Arnold Schwarzenegger Recovering Following Second Heart Surgery In Two Years

Oct 25, 2020 by apost team

Beloved Hollywood actor, acclaimed bodybuilder, and former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, 73, underwent heart surgery earlier this month, marking the second time in two years. 

Thankfully, the Austrian native seems to be in good health, news he shared with his fans with a photo from the hospital he uploaded to social media this week.  

Schwarzenegger revealed in an Instagram post that he had received a new aortic valve, to “go along with [his] new pulmonary valve”, which he got during his last surgery in 2018. 

“I feel fantastic and have already been walking the streets of Cleveland enjoying your amazing statues,” he added. “Thank you to every doc and nurse on my team!”

In 2018, the 73-year-old underwent heart surgery at the Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. According to Variety, Schwarzenegger had a pulmonic valve he got back in 1997 following a congenital heart defect replaced with a new one.

Just as you’d expect, the actor made a comeback with his usual larger-than-life personality.

“It’s true: I’m back!” Schwarzenegger tweeted at the time. “I went to sleep expecting to wake up with a small incision and woke up with a big one - but guess what? I woke up, and that’s something to be thankful for. Thank you to the doctors & nurses. And I’m truly filled with gratitude for all of the kind messages.”

Naturally, he was eager to get back to the gym and do what he loves most: work out! In fact, he took to Instagram at the time to share a video to his fans at the time, showing them that he was in a good place and once again full of energy. 

This time around, we don’t expect any less.

Are you happy to see Schwarzenegger does well after his surgery? Let us know in the comments, and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family! 

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