Arnold Schwarzenegger Records Sweet Message With His Horse And Donkey About Staying Home During Pandemic

Mar 20, 2020 by apost team

Who knew what the world needed during this pandemic was Arnold Schwarzenegger advocating for staying at home and dishing out other sage advice?! The former actor and governor released an adorable video message telling people to stay at home during the current crisis, including not going out to eat at restaurants nor going to the gym. His mini-horse Whiskey and mini-donkey Lulu also appeared in the video, and perhaps even stole the show, making his message not only a wise one, but a very warming example of how we should be using this time to spend it with the family and animals we love at home.

Posted to his Instagram, the video begins with Arnold feeding Whiskey and Lulu carrots, and immediately launching into the wise advice that we should all stay home. He goes on to say that as a 72-year-old he is certainly heeding the advice of doctors and scientists and that anyone over 65 shouldn't leave the house at all.

Shining attention on his gorgeous furry friends, he says that all him and his family are doing is staying at home, eating, and enjoying each others' company. It's truly heartwarming to see such a movie icon, and one who's known for macho roles, show his softer side, as well as his common sense in these trying times.

He ends the video by patting and embracing both Whiskey and Lulu, with his love for both very clear to see. Besides the sound advice that Schwarzenegger is touting it's lovely to see him in such high spirits –– it proves that we can use this time of self-isolation to spend it with those that we love and to reconnect with who we are.

But it's not the only video Arnie has on Instagram about the current crisis, in fact he's been posting regularly, with lots more advice on how to go about quarantine. Videos include a proper handwashing tutorial with his chihuahua Cherry –– also incredibly adorable –– and a bike ride outside, which has been advised by doctors as one of the only forms of outside activity we should do, while keeping social distance. 

Another video shows the Terminator in a jacuzzi enjoying a cigar, explaining that it's not wise to go to the beach now that spring is slowly beginning, with a special shout out urging spring breakers to act more wisely. 

And most recently, he posted a touching video giving thanks to the many heroes who are helping us during this time, including doctors, nurses, supermarket staff, delivery people and more. He captioned the video with: "I play an action hero in the movies –– they are the real action heroes."

Playing a hero in movies as well as in real life, it's incredible to see Arnold Schwarzenegger use his platform to spread positivity and a wise message to many, all the while blessing us with his wonderful furry family

What do you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger's pandemic videos? Let us know in the comments and be sure to send to your family and friends.