Anyone Who Dates A Capricorn Needs To Know These 14 Things
Dec 04, 2018 by apost team
Do you think astrological signs play an important role when it comes to your partner? While some people may not consider horoscopes an important part of their dating life, there's much to be said about the accuracy of a person's astrology sign and general personality traits.
Understanding how our horoscope impacts the way we love, communicate and bond with others can help us strengthen our relationships with ours and spare a lot of potential heartbreak.

If you're dating a Capricorn, here are 14 must-know facts to help improve your relationship and compatibility.
14. They Have Dominant Personalities

Capricorns are natural-born leaders. They like to be in control and aren't afraid to speak up and take charge. This is one of their greatest strengths, but it can also cause conflict in a relationship as their tendency to act first, ask later can make their partner feel unacknowledged.
13. They're Careful Thinkers

Some people might find Capricorns overly critical, but they just like to assess a situation and take a logical approach to situations.
12. Expectations Are High

A Capricorn knows what they want and aren't willing to settle for less. This may make them seem intolerant or stuck-up to more relaxed partners.
11. They Aren't Easy to Read

Capricorns can have closed natures that make them hard to read. For those who are attracted to mysterious types, then Capricorns are a great match. If you prefer an open and vulnerable partner, you may be put off by the Capricorns distant nature.
10. Loyalty is the Name of the Game

One of the most loyal signs, when a Capricorn commits, they're in it for the long haul and won't be scared off by your bad side or struggles. This sign is very supportive toward their loved ones.
9. You'll Always Have Something to Laugh About

Capricorns are quick-witted and love jokes. Some may find them to be immature or silly, so understand that the innate humorous nature of a Capricorn isn't something to be questioned or that you can expect to change.
8. They Know How to Hold a Grudge

Don't expect to kiss-and-make-up with a Capricorn. They take arguments and disagreements seriously, and if you ever betray a Capricorn, they won't let you forget about it.
7. They Know How to Overcome Challenges

A Capricorn is persistent and headstrong. They face challenges fearlessly and never back down. You can rely on people under this sign to see things through no matter how hard the journey.
6. They're Good in Bed

A Capricorn loves spontaneity and their dominance comes out tenfold in the bedroom. They want to be engaged and entertained, so if you're craving something intense and unpredictable in your sex life, a Capricorn will certainly keep things interesting. Just make sure you are able to reciprocate lest they become bored.
5. Capricorns are Smooth Talkers

A Capricorn is good with words, which means they can be manipulative. Their persistence often leads them to never back down from an argument, and their tendency to always feel they're right can lead to conflict or talking people into things to which they normally wouldn't agree.
4. They Don't Commit Right Away

A Capricorn's high expectations and demands will make them come off as cool and calculative to prospective partners. You won't be able to win them over with looks alone, so don't expect a commitment unless you click on all the levels the Capricorn finds important in a relationship.
3. They Can Be Neglectful

Partners who require constant validation may not find themselves happy in a relationship with the ambitious Capricorn who often has tunnel-vision when it comes to work or other projects they're passionate about.
2. They're Responsible

You don't have to worry about broken promises. Capricorns always follow through and get what needs to be done completed in a timely manner.
1. They're Moody but Sincere

A Capricorn can switch moods multiple times throughout the day without warning, but they aren't the type to falsify emotions or lead someone on. Even though you may feel like dating a Capricorn is a bit of a whirlwind, they mean what they say and say what they feel.
Is this an accurate depiction of a Capricorn? Have you ever dated a Capricorn or are you one yourself? Let us know in the comments below and pass this on to friends and loved ones who are Capricorns as well!