An Abandoned Newborn Puppy Is Placed With A Litter Of Kittens And The Mama Cat Catches The Intruder
Sep 30, 2019 by apost team
You’ve probably heard about how a mother’s instinct is one of the strongest things in the world. Female humans are known for having strong motherly instincts, but animals have this innate urge as well. But do the same instincts apply when it comes to foster babies? Well, this story is proving that that motherly drive is a lot stronger than previously believed!

When this puppy was only a few days old, his mother was unfortunately fatally injured by a car. The puppy, named Bobby, is a Chihuahua and was in need of someone to raise him after the heartbreaking accident.
In order to be nursed and coddled like a newborn, something had to be done to find him a foster mother. But no one expected it to come from such an unusual source!

Bobby’s new foster mother? A cat who had just given birth! Her name is Gwen, and she was happy to take care of an extra baby due to her strong motherly instincts. It’s a duo that you might not expect since these two species are known to battle it out sometimes.
But thankfully, it turns out that Bobby actually fit in amazingly with Gwen and her kittens! He looks like another one of her babies, all snuggled up with them and enjoying their company. It’s amazing to see Bobby feel so included and loved after having such a rough start at life.
With the help of his new amazing foster mother, he’s grown up since the video and is now five weeks old. He currently resides at the Michigan Humane Society after being transferred from a group that didn’t have the time or resources to take care of him properly.

Animals are no doubt amazing creatures, and this video just proves that statement even further. Humans can all learn a lesson from this story about love and acceptance! No matter what someone's race, gender, origin or religion, everyone deserves life and respect.
It’s interesting to see two species get along so well while humans struggle at compassion for others of their own species. But thankfully, love and motherly instincts pulled through in this case and Bobby will grow up to have a full and happy life!
You can see more about Bobby and his kitten siblings in the video below:
How adorable is Bobby’s story? Would you expect a cat to take care of a puppy? Tell us in the comments and pass this heartwarming story on to your animal loving friends. Let's spread some love!