Always awake at the same time at night? - Your Body's Signals

Aug 23, 2018 by apost team

Some people have trouble falling asleep while others wake up every night at the same time and can't fall asleep again. All this may be our body sending us hidden signals which tell us something about our health. Further down you will find times where we can be kept awake and what they mean in regard to your body's health.

First you should know that the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has long since talked about certain cycles in regard to humans. For centuries. Twelve paths for life energy are especially of interest, the so-called meridians. The main meridians are always connected to a specific organ which is supplied with a changing blood flow every two hours. At the best time, the organ in question will be supplied with a maximum of life energy. Twelve hours after this high point is the organ's lowest point.

9 pm to 11 pm

This time is called the "threefold warm up". During this time, all life energies flow unhindered through your body and your blood pressure and pulse are lowered as a response. Of course, your digestion is also affected and may enter the so-called recuperation phase. This time is perfect for thinking and feeling. Meditation is at this point especially recommended.

11 pm to 1 am

This phase is called "time to sleep". During this time, all vital functions as well as your metabolism slow down. You should avoid eating or drinking during this time, as this strains the body a lot.

1 am to 3 am

During this time, your body's performance is at an absolute low. Many organs have entered sleep mode, aside from your liver which is still going strong. If you wake up during this time, you may have eaten too much or drank too much alcohol. However, nicotine may also cause you to wake up a lot during this time. In order to prevent this, make sure to get enough exercise and drink some nettle tea.

3 am to 5 am

This period is the one where your lung is being cleaned. The windows should be open during this time. If you keep waking up during this time, your lung may experience some medical problems. This includes asthma, allergies but also sleep disorders.

5 am to 7 am

At this time, our body starts producing lots of cortisol. This hormon makes us feel more awake. During this period we also experience our last dream phase where we deal with what happened the day before. The organ affected at this time is the large intestine. So this is the perfect time to get up and flush toxins from your body.

7 am to 9 pm

According to this Chinese organ clock, certain times can influence certain things. From seven to nine in the morning, this is the stomach, afterwards it's spleen until eleven. We often have a performance high during this time. Between 11 am and 1 pm, it's our heart's and gut's time. Starting fromt 3 pm until about 5 pm, you should watch out for your urinary bladder and exercise a lot. Starting from 5 pm it's your kidneys' turn where you should slowly let your body rest. From 7 pm to 9 pm is a resting period where you can kick back and relax.

Will you listen to your body's signals and try to positively influence it? Show this article to all those who always wanted to know more about their inner clock and body.