Almost 60 Years After She Helped Write History, NASA Gives Credit Where It's Due and Renames Facility
Mar 02, 2019 by apost team
We all wish we could receive deserved recognition. Sometimes, the best efforts go without anyone noticing. With empathy in our hearts, we look at the story of Katherine Johnson. Johnson played a pivotal role in helping NASA's space missions.
Unfortunately, her job was considered somewhat "small" and overlooked by the media. Johnson served as a mathematician. Her work certainly wasn't unimportant. In fact, she was a critical member of the NASA team during the 1960s.
Johnson drew upon her math skills to plan out the trajectory for the Alan Shepard Mercury-Redstone 3 mission. Space travel history buffs know this mission was the first manned one into space. She also assisted in charting John Glenn's legendary earth-orbiting mission according to USA Today.
Mathematicians, however, aren't professionals the newspapers call for interviews when space trips made headlines. Journalists didn't call on mathematicians decades ago, and they don't do so today.

Johnson contributed her skills to scores of NASA missions. Her talent at "numbers" increased the chances of success and safety. She deserves recognition for her work. Today, she finally receives some.
The NASA Independent Verification and Validation Facility will soon undergo a slight, but important, name change. Soon, the building will bear the following name: The Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation facility, WFAA reported.

Katherine Johnson made history in many ways. Johnson overcame segregation and prejudice at a time when such jobs were denied to African-Americans. Once ignored by the general public, her life story is the topic of several books. Even a motion picture was made about her life.
“I am thrilled we are honoring Katherine Johnson in this way as she is a true American icon who overcame incredible obstacles and inspired so many,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement. “It’s a fitting tribute to name the facility that carries on her legacy of mission-critical computations in her honor.”
Check out 2016's “Hidden Figures" when you get the chance. And talk about the wonderful life story of Katherine Johnson on social media. Her intriguing life is sure to make people feel good once they read it.
What do you think of Katherine Johnson‘s contributions? Tell us what you think in the comments section below and pass on her inspirational story to others as well.