Airplane Appears Out Of "Nowhere" To Land At Gatwick Airport
Aug 30, 2019 by apost team
For travelers on a recent flight to London, their plane landing was pretty uneventful, as it should be. But for onlookers, they saw a pretty majestic "appearing act" as it came down to the tarmac through the fog.

On July 23rd, Emirates Airbus A380 arrived in style as it traveled from Dubai to Gatwick Airport. No one was used to seeing a plane come out of nowhere before. That is because the plane had to fly through a low cloud cover which basically swallowed it up before approaching the tarmac.

The sight was caught on tape by a plane-watcher stationed near the landing strip. They have shared it online where even Emirates airlines themselves picked it up on Twitter.

Some commentators to the post have called it "Grand," "Beautiful," and "Awesome." One user even said "Castle in the sky. Emirates makes a regal touch-down."
Watch the grand entrance for yourself and be prepared to be amazed:
What did you think of this amazing landing by this huge plane? Have you ever seen a landing or take-off like it? Leave us a message below, and then pass this along to others!