After Expecting Woman To Babysit 40 Kids At Her Wedding, Bride Freaks Following Rejection

Oct 29, 2021 by apost team

Planning a wedding can be pretty stressful, but fortunately most people have their families and friends to rely on during this time. It’s common for the bride and groom to want everything to go as flawlessly as possible and make their wedding everything they could have hoped for. More couples are choosing to have child-free weddings in an effort to keep everything running smoothly and to allow the adults to have a more sophisticated and mature atmosphere.

One bride and groom by the names of Emily and Nate decided that they wanted a childfree wedding but decided that anyone under the age of 21 was considered a child. This didn’t sit well with the groom’s sister, as she was only 20 but really wanted to be there to celebrate her brother’s big day. They were incredibly close growing up and had started to drift apart after he got in a relationship, but she still cared about him. Fortunately, she was invited to the wedding ceremony.

The sister and her boyfriend both loved kids, so Emily asked if they would be willing to babysit all of her wedding guests’ children during the reception portion of the wedding. They agreed until they realized that they would be watching 40 kids for a long time and receive very little money. They said no, causing Emily to freak out and accuse them of ruining her wedding. Since then, the sister and her family have been fighting, so she went to Reddit on Oct. 4, 2021, to ask users for advice on what she should do.

Fighting With Her Brother’s Fiancée

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Starting off her Reddit post, the original poster (OP) explained that she was using fake names and referred to her brother as 28-year-old Nate and his fiancée as 32-year-old Emily. They were getting married the following week. OP and Nate were very close growing up but started to grow apart once he started dating Emily since she and Emily don’t really get along. 

“She hasn’t done anything to me, I haven’t done anything to her, we just don’t see eye to eye on things,” the OP explained. Since Emily and Nate are having a child-free wedding and anyone under 21 years old is considered a child to Emily, the OP originally wasn’t invited. Fortunately, Nate was able to convince Emily to let his sister stay for the ceremony.

At a family dinner at a restaurant, Emily said she wanted to have a daycare service for her wedding guests’ kids, explaining that she wanted the OP and her boyfriend to watch them. Since the OP was studying to become a teacher and her boyfriend was studying to become a pediatrician, everything seemed perfect — until they got more of the fine details.

“We were on board with it until we heard that we’d be watching 40-ish kids for six hours, and only get paid $50 each,” the OP said. “We agreed that we’d do it for $150 each, but Emily insisted on her original offer.” Emily was furious at this point.

“She proceeded to tell me that I was being a greedy, selfish brat, and that I should be paying her since she'd be giving me practice for my teaching career,” the OP wrote.

Standing Up For Herself

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Emily continued ranting and said the OP was going to ruin her wedding so she would no longer be welcomed at the ceremony. The family paid for the dinner and left. Since then, the OP has been fighting with various family members about the situation. Under any other circumstance, the OP most likely would have babysat for free, but she was tired of Emily treating her so poorly. 

“I feel bad for putting Nate in this position and I hope this doesn’t ruin our relationship too much, but it is what it is,” the OP said. She admitted that she was being childish but didn’t think she was wrong in this situation.

Reddit users agreed and ultimately voted that the OP didn't do anything wrong. They were largely on the OP’s side and hoped she continued to stand her ground and show her family Emily’s true colors. One user commented, “They don’t want you to attend the wedding but you’re allowed to work it?!? If she thinks 21 is a child, tell her it’s irresponsible to have a child in charge of 40 other children and decline.”

Another user said, “Has Emily set up the OP with the perfect lose-lose scenario? Emily didn’t want her at the wedding, she’s mad that Nate pressured her to agree, so she comes up with a ludicrous request in the hopes the OP will say no and blow up the whole thing so now she has an excuse to not have OP at the wedding at all. Emily is an evil mastermind and the family is playing right into it.”

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Do you think this woman should babysit to help out her brother and his fiancée? Or was she right to say no? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones to find out what they think, too.

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