After Being Abandoned Early In Her Pregnancy, Mom Of Twins Shows Courage & Determination To Become Single Parent
May 02, 2022 by apost team
Maia Knight, a 25-year-old woman from New York, went viral last year after posting about her journey raising her fraternal twins, Violet and Scout. In a simple 48-second TikTok post that was uploaded back in February of 2021, Knight revealed her situation, her shock and her decision to parent the girls alone after her partner left. She has since continued this tread of updating the internet on her perseverance and pregnancy, detailing the challenges they face as a single-parent family on TikTok.
Months before posting the video, Knight discovered that she was pregnant after "randomly deciding to take a pregnancy test one morning before heading to work." To her surprise, "it was positive." Knight then "scheduled an appointment with (her) OB and found out (she) was five weeks pregnant with twins."
While Knight handled the surprise with fortitude, her partner did not respond well. In her viral TikTok, Knight revealed that he told her "to get an abortion and stop contacting him when (she) was seven weeks pregnant." Knight went on to explain how she then found herself suddenly not only preparing for the birth of one daughter but two. And that she would be doing it alone given her partner's absence and disinterest.
Knight then explained how she ended up moving in with her mother and keeping the pregnancy "a secret from the world." In a moment of true vulnerability, Knight admitted, as she lip-synced to Sarah Cothran's cover of MIKA's iconic "Grace Kelly," that she then "sank into a deep depression so scared of how (she) was going to be a single mom to two little girls."
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video

Knight's situation then became, even more, complicated. When she went for her OB appointment at 34 weeks, Knight was diagnosed with preeclampsia and had to be admitted to the hospital. Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder. It is a life-threatening condition that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period. It can affect both mother and baby; however, it can be treated and Knight was thankfully able to receive medical assistance.
However, Knight explained how she then "started having contractions, went into heart failure, and was taken by ambulance to a hospital three hours away." In the heartwarming final moments of the TikTok, Knight reveals two healthy babies, referring to the girls as her "best friends" and telling her audience that she realized she "could do this" and that "all (her) dreams are coming true."
In a YouTube video in which Knight discussed her daughters' birth story, she recounted in further detail what happened. She spoke about going to the hospital and learning that she had preeclampsia. Over the next few days, she was in and out of hospital until finally she was transferred to a larger hospital where she was set to deliver her girls. Because Violet was head down and Scout was transverse, Knight knew she wanted to deliver via caesarian.
She talked about how she had trouble breathing but presumed it was because of carrying two babies at once. During the operation, she said it was the "best feeling ever" once both of her girls were taken out as she could breathe again. However, the doctors continued to run tests on Knight to figure out why she couldn't breathe easily after they suspected she had a blood clot in her lungs. After they ran the tests, doctors realized Knight had gone into heart failure and so they focused on making sure her situation stabilized.

Knight recounted the story matter-of-factly in the video, but it's clear that the reality of her situation was dire at the time. Violet and Scout were born on March 22, 2021. Given they were born prematurely, both of Knight’s daughters stayed three weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
It was after their birth that Knight decided to launch a YouTube channel to further invite her audience into her family’s life and track their progress as they grow. Her videos include topics such as shopping with babies, her family's morning routine and a video for the twins' 1st birthday. The footage of their birthday party was incredibly sweet, with the girls in matching dresses. The channel has accumulated over 438,000 subscribers with many people showing their support for the family in the comments.
Meanwhile, Knight's TikTok account is also thriving, with over 8.4 million followers. The original TikTok video that went viral has now garnered over 1.6 million likes and almost 10,000 comments. It's also gone on to inspire countless audience members. One commenter wrote, "5.5 million friends who love and support your beautiful family." Another TikTok user said, "you are so definitely enough for those girls."
Knight has truly embraced her audience in the year since Violet and Scout were born. In her bio, she describes herself as both "mom and dad," a statement that asserts her pride as a single parent. Her story continues to charm audiences everywhere and Knight, as well as #violetandscout, have got millions of viewers rooting for their health and happiness.
What do you think about Maia Knight's pregnancy story? Did you or someone you know experience a similarly challenging pregnancy? Let us know — and be sure to pass this article on to friends, family, and fellow #violetandscout fans!