Adorable Group Of Kids Shake Hips And Give Knee-Slapping Performance Of Christmas Classic

Dec 23, 2021 by apost team

Everyone has a favorite song that makes them want to jump up and dance. You may be in the car when your song comes on, causing you to blast the radio and sing along. No matter what time of year it is, this performance from St. Elizabeth Child Care Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, proves that "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" ought to be one of those get-up-and-dance tracks.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The performance was put on by preschoolers and kindergarteners, but that doesn’t mean it is anything less than amazing. You’ll get into the holiday spirit when you see how adorable these little performers really are. They steal the show but in a completely innocent way for sure!

These young kids go to school at St. Elizabeth Childcare Facility, which is located in Jersey City, New Jersey. While we are not quite sure how old the video is, we do know that it has made the rounds around the internet. We are so happy that it has been immortalized forever. It is just too cute to lose.

The children started off their performance standing nervously on stage. Sure, they were probably a bit scared as they saw so many faces in the audience watching them.

However, it is easy to see that many of them are also excited to be in the spotlight. Some of them are staring out into the audience, trying to find where their family and friends are sitting.

When the first song comes on, the kids begin to dance. They are supposed to dance to a routine that their teacher taught them.

It was mostly supposed to be about standing in place, gesturing with their arms and hands and singing. However, there are a number of kids who aren’t content with that. You can see them getting really enthusiastic about their performance.

The song, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” has been a big hit for decades. The song was written in 1958 by Johnny Marks and has been remade by dozens of performers over the years. This particular version was sung by Brenda Lee, a musical prodigy who started her career at the tender age of 10. 

This particular performance has added a lot of life and love to the song. We can’t believe how much energy these children have, but we are so happy that their performance was caught on film for all of us to see.

Their performance will go down in history as one of the many interpretations of a Christmas classic, which has a fascinating history. Interestingly, Lee first recorded the song when she was just 12 years old, according to The Tennessean.

“I was only 12, and I had not had a lot of success in records, but for some reason (Marks, the songwriter) heard me and wanted me to do it. And I did.”

To prepare for the recording session, the song's producer, Owen Bradley, made sure that the studio was decorated in Christmas lights, especially since Lee wouldn't be recording during the holiday season. 

“When I walked into the studio, Owen had the lights way down low, the air conditioning was, I think, set on zero, and he had a Christmas tree and Christmas lights. I thought that was so special,” Lee told The Tennessean in a Dec. 13, 2015, interview.

Although Lee was a relative amateur, the rest of the "Rockin'" team wasn't. Bradley brought in members of Nashville's A-Team, which included legendary musicians like Hank Garland, Grady Martin, Anita Kerr and Boots Randolph.

Today, as the below video shows, the song is a Christmas standard. But the song wasn't an immediate success. According to The Tennessean, the song was a flop when it was first released as a single in 1958. It was only in the 1960s, following Lee's hit song "I'm Sorry," that families around the U.S. began to play "Rockin'" at Christmas. In 1960, the holiday track finally made it into the Top 20 on pop charts.

Another catalyst for the song's widespread success — and perhaps one of the reasons the children in the below video know it — is the "Home Alone" soundtrack. The 1990 film, which became a Christmas classic in its own right, showcased Lee's song in its entirety. That meant that kids who grew up in the '90s, kids who had missed out on the song's meteoric rise during the '60s, were exposed to "Rockin'" at a young age.

“(The movie) breathed new life into it, I think,” Lee told The Tennessean. “It has just been a blessing.”

Lee told the paper that she plays the Christmas tune at every concert regardless of whether it takes place during the holiday season. She added that she's probably played it "thousands and thousands" of times. And yet, Lee still hasn't tired of singing those iconic lyrics.

"Rockin' around the Christmas tree / At the Christmas party hop / Mistletoe hung where you can see / Every couple tries to stop."

That’s the magic of a good song,” she explained to The Tennessean. “You don’t get tired of singing it.”

For those who aren't familiar with Lee, who is now in her late 70s, the Georgia native has had a long and successful career. She put out her first record at the age of 12, and she remains active today. And even for those who don't know of Lee's towering achievements, they're almost sure to recognize "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree," proving that it's a timeless Christmas tune.

“It’s extended my career,” Lee said of the song in her interview with The Tennessean. “You get to a certain age in this industry and you’re not as hot as you once were. It’s meant to be that way … that’s why there are numbers under one. We can’t always be No. 1. I think when you have that mindset, you’re just thankful that you’re a part of something you love to do.”

The below video is solid proof that Lee's legacy will continue to live on, that she will continue to be played across the country regardless of her age.

What did you think of these spirited children? Did you know about the history of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"? Let us know — and pass this on to others (regardless of the season) to keep Brenda Lee's legacy alive!

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