According to Science, Having A Sister Helps You Become A Better Person

Jul 30, 2018 by apost team

Sibling rivalry is something that has been going on since the beginning of civilization and growing up with a sister can sometimes be the tougher than growing up with a brother. However, for children, research has shown that having a sister can actually be great for emotional and mental health. Having a sister can teach many valuable skills that will help children develop into better people as they become adults.

Emotional Support And Less Stress

There are many benefits to growing up with a sister (or more than one sister) and the majority of them deal with improved emotional health. If you grew up with a sister, you have reaped the benefits that come along with having a female sibling. If you have children or are planning to have children, your children can reap these benefits if you are lucky enough to have a girl.

One benefit of growing up with a sister is that it can lead to less stress. Since girls are more in touch with their emotions and are usually comfortable with sharing emotions, this means that you will have someone to go to when you are stressed and need an understanding person. Having a sister in the family can help keep the balance of expressing emotions and not expressing them. According to research done by the University of Ulster, sisters view life and circumstances in a more positive manner than other family members, so having this great outlook on situations can help to deter your stress also. Since stress has such a negative impact on brain functioning, having less stress while growing up can make you better in a multitude of ways.

Improved Self-Esteem

Another benefit of growing up with a sister is improved self-esteem. Having a sister around can help to prevent or quell negative feelings and emotions that lead to low self-esteem. Studies have shown that people with a sister suffer less from anxiety, depression, loneliness, fear, and more. Children with a sister also feel more loved.

Every child will experience negative emotions at some point--that's life. But it is important for their mental, physical, and emotional development that they aren't plagued by these emotions. Growing up with a sister can help them cope with these emotions in healthy ways so that they can have a happier childhood which will lead to a better adulthood.

Anger Management And Compassion

Improved conflict resolution skills is another benefit of growing up with a sister. Remember that sibling rivalry we mentioned? All that fighting and arguing is actually beneficial to a child's development. It teaches them skills such as anger management, compassion, reasoning, self-control, fairness, and more. All of these skills lead to a child becoming a more well-rounded adult who is in tune with their internal feelings.

There is a high chance that you are a person that grew up with a sister. What type of impact did your sister have on your life? If you don't have a sister, do you think that having one would have changed your life in any way? Feel free to give us your opinion. You could ask your friends for their opinions as well.