According To Research, Babies Born With Big Heads Are More Likely To Find Success Later In Life
Sep 29, 2018 by apost team
Many people with big heads grow up despising the size of their noggin. All the teasing just gets too much. Let's not even begin to discuss the ill-fitting hats we've had to throw away or give to our rotten siblings.
People may tell you, "It's okay darling, your head isn't that big." Well, that's all nice until you realize your helmets and headbands still don't fit because your head is so dang big.

Or maybe you have a child with a big head and you're recalling all the pushing and pain you went through trying to push out your baby. You thought the birthing process would be the end to the tribulations that come with having a big head baby. But no. Shopping for cute little beanies for holiday pictures was a nightmare.
Finding your child with their head stuck between the bars of their headboard in their room caused panic to run through your veins. The stories are endless. But now you realize that all the suffering you and your child went through weren't for nothing.
I'm not here to tell you silly reasons why your head size is beautiful. I'm here to tell you how your head will help you in life. Would you believe me if I had scientific evidence to back myself up with? No more taunting from your family or empty reassurance from Aunt Karen.

According to research, babies born with bigger heads are more intelligent than those with smaller heads. Larger head babies are also more likely to pursue higher education and having an overall successful life. The higher level of intellect dues to the volume and circumference of the brain. A bigger head allows a bigger brain right?

The University of Edinburgh took 100,000 people aged 37 and 73 and the relationship between head size and success was discovered. They also disapproved the myth that bigger heads lead to disabilities.

The average size of a male and female baby are 36cm and 35cm respectively. Any size larger than this can be considered a bigger head. Research has proven a connection between a person's genes, cognitive ability, and health. These connections are also linked to the brain size of a person. A person with a bigger sized head is more likely to get a degree and a perform better on reasoning exams.
Studies also show that those with a good memory are more likely to show signs of intelligence. Other factors include sleeping habits and a tendency to favor spending time with adults over children.

So if anyone tries to make fun of your ginormous head, show them this article so they know who's boss. As a matter of fact, you may even be their boss one day. But don't get too cocky now. Wouldn't want people saying you're in over your (big) head.
Do you have a big head or a normal sized one? Tell us about your experiences! We'd love to hear from you. Send this to your friends and family in order to get back all the years you spent being tormented by the smaller head bullies.
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!