A Truthful Ranking Of Zodiac Signs From Most Confident To Most Insecure

Mar 27, 2018 by apost team

Do you like to be the center of attention or do you prefer to stay a wallflower? Your confidence may all come down to your zodiac sign - some signs love the spotlight while others are shy and timid. See where your sign ranks!

1. Leo

You are the personification of confidence, and in your mind, you can do no wrong. You are not to be disrespected and tend to walk away when challenged or disrespected by those around you; after all, your way is always the right way. You know what you deserve, and what you deserve is the best. Settling for less than perfection in relationships, jobs, or friendships is not in the cards for you.


2. Scorpio

Though not ignorant of your own imperfections and weaknesses, you still embody confidence on a daily basis. When it comes to the way you look, your personality, or your life, you accept and embrace all aspects. You may have some indulgences, but at the end of the day, you aren’t bothered by them enough to see a reason to change yourself.

3. Capricorn

Your intelligence, charm, and flair allow you to be secure enough to be completely unbothered by the opinions of others. With no need to be in competition with peers to be the best, you happily and confidently stand alone. Since you are already aware of your own greatness and talent, you tend to be a lone wolf with absolutely no need to be accepted by your peers. 

4. Sagittarius

Instead of letting criticism take over your mind, you allow yourself to learn from it. If someone dislikes or disagrees with you, you believe it says more about the person confronting you than it does about you. The only time you think about disagreements and haters is to laugh at them with your friends, and you will never let someone else’s opinions of you keep you up at night.

5. Pisces

You are able to get along smoothly in public and around others. You have the ability to give speeches in front of peers or make new friends in an unfamiliar setting easily. However, your more insecure moments come when you are alone. Your late night self-conscious thoughts may get out of hand, and staring in a mirror often turns into you picking apart your imperfections. 

6. Aries

From an outside perspective, you appear as if they are made of stone and that nothing could ever bother you. In reality, you are a pretty sensitive sign who prefers to cry behind closed doors as opposed to in front of the world. In order to appear confident instead of weak, you often use humor and sarcasm to deflect your true feelings. Your specialties include overcompensation and acting like you don’t care about anyone or anything.

7. Taurus

Your main goal is to prove their intelligence to the world, as outside looks do not matter nearly as much to your sign as knowledge. You try to amplify your actual intelligence by using big words, embellishing your stories or trying to one-up others by pretending to be a master at particular topics. You just want to prove to the world that you are intelligent and successful.

8. Libra

You require approval from others in order to feel secure with yourself. You tend to tear yourself down in front of others, fishing for compliments by waiting for peers to disagree with you and comfort you. You are the type of sign to log in to dating websites, not because you’re interested, but just to see if anyone else is. You have a constant need to be reassured that you are liked by others.

9. Gemini

Your sign is almost too insecure to be yourself. You want to fit the mold of the others around you in order to impress your friends, family, bosses and love interests. Your lies about loving your friend's outfit or enjoying rap music over rock aren’t because you are a dishonest person at heart, you just want to fit in and be liked by everyone.

10. Cancer

You have been told that you care too much, and perhaps you do. You get emotional over the smallest of things and tend to take everything too personally. Whether it be your weekend plans getting canceled at the last minute, a pet not wanting to spend time with you, or your significant other raising their voice at you in a disagreement, it is sure to bother and hurt you.

11. Aquarius

You work your hardest to make others believe your life is perfect. Whether that be posting the perfect photos on Instagram or flaunting your success in a tweet, you use your internet accounts to create a false-persona where everything in your life is absolute perfection. In reality, you are not happy with what your life currently entails, so you defend yourself with an overcompensation of your confidence and showcase a lavish lifestyle.

12. Virgo

You have the tendency to overthink, causing you to be easily embarrassed and terrified of looking dumb by saying or doing the wrong thing. You hate uncomfortable situations like first dates, public speeches or even greeting the cashier at a store. Even if a situation went well, you will relive this memory in your mind over and over again until you find the slightest thing you may have done wrong; because to you, you are always doing something wrong.


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