A Longer And Stronger Life: 6 Japanese Rules To Live By

Feb 26, 2018 by apost team

6 Secrets of Japan for Strength and HealthJapan’s 6 Exercises for a Better YouA Longer and Stronger Life: 6 Japanese Rules to Live ByBeauty and fitness industries manipulate consumers into buying expensive products and tackling time-consuming programs in the hopes of becoming healthier. However, late Aikido instructor Katsuzo Nishi believed that the path to strength and physical well-being doesn’t require a lot. All it takes is dedication and a little effort. Katsuzo attributed his own health to the mindset and principles outlined in his book—Nishi System of Health Engineering. published in 1927, this book details a system for helping the body generate inner strength and health in a natural and simple way anyone can achieve. 1.) Have a Backbone The first piece of Katsuzo’s system involves creating a firm foundation from which the rest of the system can be applied. Our spines are the root of many health ailments—but they can also be the source for much success and fitness. According to Katsuzo, a straight spine improves digestive and circulatory systems. When your inner organs are in harmony with each other, you can feel the difference.To achieve a straighter spine, consciously work on posture every day. Modern culture has made slouching a common bad habit, but adjusting it can lead to so much improvement in health. Fixing your posture and sleeping on the back encourages your spine to become a true backbone for your improving strength. 2.) Protect the NeckThe neck is also vital in creating good physical health. It’s one of the most sensitive parts of our body. Spraining, injuring, or breaking it can be devastating to the rest of our body’s function and can truly impact our health. In addition to practicing good posture, another fundamental and easy way to protect the neck is to support it properly even during sleep. Using a foam roller instead of a pillow gives the neck the extra support it needs to remain stable when you’re sleeping. The firmness of the roller will prevent stiffness or pain upon waking, providing you with a fresh start to each day. 3.) Goldfish ExerciseExercises don’t have to be complicated. The “Goldfish” is one exercise optimal for organ functionality and the efficiency of the nervous system, especially relating to the spinal column. Here’s how to do it. > Starting Position: Lay flat on a hard surface and place hands behind the head. Straighten legs out. > Prepare: Before you begin, stretch. Do this by alternating between flexed and pointed feet in unison with similar arm movements. > Movement: Move the legs from left to right to stimulate wiggling in the body. Do this for up to two minutes. This wriggling motion straightens out the spine, improving circulation and nerves. 4.) Capillary ExerciseThe next exercise improves capillary circulation. Improving blood flow is great for overall heart health and stamina. > Starting Position: Lie down on a flat surface. Place a foam roller under the neck. Lift the arms and legs into the air: perpendicular to the floor, but parallel with each other. > The Movement: Wiggle the arms and legs in the air, keeping all the limbs slightly bent. This motion loosens muscles, prompting capillaries to open up and allow good flow. Repeat for three minutes. 5.) Palms and Soles ExerciseThe action of placing palms and soles together creates alignment and symmetry in the body that can improve overall health and brain function that lasts with you all day> Starting Position: Lie down on a flat surface. Place a foam roller under the neck. > Prepare: Stretch joints by placing soles together and sliding them upward without lifting them from the floor. Repeat 10 times to get the motion down. > The Movement: Press palms together directly above your chest. Bring them to the floor above your head, then back to the chest. Move them to your groin, and then back. Add the leg movement from earlier. Repeat for 10 minutes. 6.) Spine and Stomach ExerciseCompleting this exercise improves your digestive system and creates a stronger core from which you perform endless daily tasks. > Starting Position: Sit cross-legged on a hard surface. Place hands on the feet. > The Movement: Isolate the shoulders by moving them in simple up-and-down movements. Bend your head gently to each shoulder one at a time. Tilt the head back, then forward. Raise your arms and bring your hands together in front of you. Curve your back, stretching the shoulder blades and spine. Straighten the back and lift your chin, holding for seven seconds. These steps are tried-and-true ways to improve your body, building daily strength with nothing but thoughtfulness and effort. Take Katsuzo’s example, and shun laziness so you may achieve the strongest and healthiest body that you can.