A Huge Moose, Casually Wandering Along The Highway, Caught On Camera

Nov 22, 2018 by apost team

When we go on long drives we expect to see a variety of neat and exciting things along the way. This can range from forests to bodies of water to mountain ranges to beaches and so on. One thing you might not expect to see is a huge moose walking down the road at midnight.

This was what one man in Anchorage, Alaska, saw as he went to pick up his daughter one night. As he drove he spotted a large bull moose walking along the middle of the road's carriageway on a strip of grass. The moose isn't bothering anyone and is doing its own thing.


While the moose was minding its own business the passersby weren't. In a video, the man took, one car on the other side of the road decided to reverse to catch a better glimpse of the moose. Not exactly the safest thing a driver could do.

In the video you can hear the driver trying to get the moose's attention, saying "Hey there bud." After taking the clip the man explained that he decided to pull up to see it after picking up his daughter, and wanted the world to "basque in his awe."

The video has garnered multiple views, and many were less than pleased with it. One person lamented the destruction of the creature's habitat thanks to the road's existence and how the grass is a symbol of the wilderness it lost.

Another person pointed out that the creature's rear leg looked like it was injured. This injury led many to wonder if the man had run into it when they noticed that his car's wing mirror was busted up. If he didn't run into that moose, he may have had run-ins with others.

It wasn't all negative, however. Some thought the man was brave (or crazy) for getting up so close to the moose to film it. One person even pointed out that "this is dangerous." If the wing mirror is anything to go by then it's clear that the man isn't a stranger to danger.

In any case, we all hope that the moose wasn't too seriously hurt. We can also expect that the man who filmed it sets an example for the importance of safety on the roads -- not just for his actions, but the others who decided to do dangerous things to get a look at the animal.

Be sure to watch the video, and send it to everyone you know, so they can also have a look at this gorgeous animal. Don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments as well!