9 Ultimate Exercises For Your Dream Bubble Booty

Nov 02, 2018 by apost team

You can easily get those bubble-shaped buttocks from your home. No more Kardashian envy. (Well, maybe only a little bit)

We have gathered some exercises for you to build a backside that you will be proud to flaunt all the way across town. Follow these guidelines to get the bubble-shaped booty you have always wanted.

You can do it! These exercises will help eradicate any self-conscious feelings you may have about your backside. Your buttocks will surely thank you!

9. Curtsy Lunges

How to do it:

  1. Curtsy like the queen you are! First, choose one leg to be the supporting leg. Move the opposite leg behind that supporting leg.
  2. Bend the knee of the supporting leg and sit backward. Make sure that your knee does not go over your toes!
  3. Straighten your legs and stand up. Do two sets of 15 reps on each side, alternating which leg is the supporting leg.


8. Kettlebell Squats

If you do not have a kettlebell lying around your house, just about any moderately heavy object will do. Heavy water bottles with handles are especially helpful home items for you to consider using.

How to do it:

  1. Bend your knees and do a half-squat. 
  2. Keeping your back straight and tailbone tucked in, lean towards the floor.
  3. Stand up and do two sets of 15 reps.

7. Deadlifts

How to do it:

  1. Slightly bend your knees.
  2. With your back straight, lean forward. Keep the work in your buttocks, not your back!
  3. Stand up and proceed to do two entire sets of 15 repetitions.

6. High Knees

How to do it:

  1. Raise one knee up, tensing your buttock.
  2. Lower that leg and then raise the other, alternating quickly.
  3. You should perform 25 repetitions on each leg, completing a total of two sets.

5. Step Ups

How to do it:

  1. Step up onto a step with your right leg.
  2. Once that foot is planted, lift your left knee high up, tensing your buttock muscles.
  3. Repeat 20 times, doing 2 sets on each of your legs.

4. Leg Up Planks

How to do it:

  1. Position yourself in a plank position on your hands. If this is uncomfortable, you may alternatively lower yourself onto your elbows.
  2. Raise one leg and hold the position for two seconds.
  3. Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets on each of your legs.

3. Double leg kicks

How to do it:

  1. Lie face down on your belly. Tuck your abs in and keep your legs together.
  2. Lift the top half of your body off of the map.
  3. Extending your arms behind you, begin to lift your legs off the floor as well.
  4. Do this 30 times and do 2 sets on each side.

2. Crab Toe Touches

How to do it:

  1. Get on all fours, in a crab position (with your butt towards the ground).
  2. Lift one leg and touch your toes with the opposite arm.
  3. Do 15 repetitions and two sets of this on each of your legs.

1. Single Leg Bridges

How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back with your arms by your side.
  2. Keep your knees bent with your feet directly underneath them.
  3. Raise your right leg and keep your hips up.
  4. Do this on each leg and repeat 20 times.

Extra Booty Bonus

Detoxing your body can also bring you a bubbly booty faster. Try coffee scrubs, contrast showers, dry brushing, eating well, and staying hydrated.

So? What are you waiting for? Your dream booty is waiting for you!

Did you try out these exercises? Make sure to let us know in the comments. We're sure your friends and family will love this list too, so make sure to share it with them.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!