9 Things You Could Do To Save The Ocean
Jul 06, 2018 by apost team
Marine pollution is a core issue in today`s world. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to live near the ocean to impact on the devastation. Surprisingly,approximately 80%of ocean garbage comes from land-based sources. Marine pollution effects countless aquatic species and habitats. There is plenty you can do to help make a big difference.
Accumulation of plastic in oceans is wanting. Always make sure to use plastics that can be recycled to reduce the amount of plastic in circulation. Find a place where plastic is recycled near you. Carry a reusable bottle, bring a reusable bag to the store or store food in non-disposable containers to save on the cumulative amount of plastic waste being deposited in the ocean from land.
2. Buy and use ocean-friendly products
Avoid products that are produced through unsustainable methods such as cosmetics containing shark squalene and coral reef jewelry. Avoid products that contain microbeads by checking if its ingredients comprise Polypropylene or Polyethylene. Use cleaning liquids that are environmentally safe.
3. Participate in river and beach cleanup
Help get rid of waste from the ocean by preventing them from getting there in the first place. Participate in cleaning your waterway and beach. Organize beach cleanup. If you do not live near a beach, clean up your river because river water will eventually run into the ocean. Every time you visit a beach or a river, make sure to collect at least three pieces of rubbish to help in the cleanup.
4.Involve friends and community
Spread the word. Let your close associates know that you value and support marine conservation. Educate them on simple things such as collecting trash to prevent it from ending up in the ocean. Tell people what they can do to make a difference.
5. Reduce your carbon footprint
Reduce your energy use because carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels makes the ocean acidic thus causing loss of corals or weakening their calcium skeletons. Make small decisions such as leaving your car at home when you don’t have to use it, ride a bike, walk, use public transportation and turn off appliances when not in use.
6.Support organizations that address marine pollution
Make small donations to non-profit organizations that support rectifying of the marine pollution problem. Join organizations such as Oceana which is mainly focused on ocean conservation.
7. Dispose of hazardous material safely and adequately
Recognize common hazardous waste. Beware of the laws that govern the disposal of hazardous waste. Avoid material such as sewage sludge and industrial chemicals into ocean water.
8.Avoid using fertilizers
Leached fertilizers from farm activities end up in the ocean causing a `dead zone’-an area with low oxygen levels. This causes the death of marine life. Use fertilizers sparingly.
9. Make better seafood choices
Avoid unsustainable fishing practices. Buy fish that is farmed and caught in environmentally responsible way Download a sustainable seafood guide to find out which seafood are mislabeled. Eat more sustainable seafood.
Taking into consideration the things named above will contribute greatly towards saving our environment especially the marine environment. To learn more about the simple things you can do in your day to day life and stop marine pollution, please contact us.
Feeling like you can help inspire others to contribute towards a non polluted marine environment? Join the march towards a clean marine environment today. Do you have some more ideas to keep the ocean clean? Tell us in the comments how and pass this on to your friends and loved ones.