9 Simple Ways To Stop Farting Naturally
Jul 20, 2018 by apost team
Farts happen, but our bodies just seem to know the absolute worst times to let one rip. If you feel like you fart too much, then these 9 tips can really help you cut down on gas and bloat naturally.
1. Limit Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower could be the reason why you're so gassy. Although these foods are super healthy, you can test if they are the culprit behind your farts by eliminating them from your diet for a short period. If your farts disappear, then you can plan the days you eat cruciferous vegetables to align with your social calendar.

2. Start Doing Yoga

Yoga is an incredible exercise for your body and mind. Many of the poses compress your internal organs, which helps with digestion. Although you may pass some gas while you do these poses, you'll be a lot better off the rest of the day.
3. Savor Your Meals

This tip is also great for people who are looking to lose weight. By slowing down your mealtimes, you're giving your digestive system more time to tackle your food.
4. Chew Thoroughly

If you chew more, this also slows down your meals. Properly breaking down your food saves your stomach some work, which could mean fewer farts later. Also, the faster we eat, the more air we swallow, which can only be released as a fart or burp.
5. Sleep

Be kind to your body and make sure you give it ample time to recharge each night. When we sleep, our bodies can focus on taking care of itself without a lot of multitasking. The more you sleep, the more time your body has to process the food you ate that day to extract the nutrients you need.
6. Use Ginger

Ginger has been a remedy for all kinds of digestive problems for centuries. Ginger works wonders for soothing upset stomachs. Try drinking an herbal tea or sucking on some ginger candy to alleviate your gas. Ginger Ale isn't the best choice because all that carbonation can lead to more gas.
7. Try A Liquid Fast

In his book A History of Celiac Disease, Victor Garcia-Nieto mentions that liquid diets have been used to cure gas for many years. If you abstain from solid foods for 2 days, you may find that your digestive system is a lot calmer. Although this method is more extreme, it can be useful for people with serious gut problems.
8. Eat Fennel

Fennel has been shown to reduce farting by soothing the colon in numerous studies.
9. Eat Lots Of Pineapple And Papaya

Have you ever gotten a raw mouth after eating a bunch of pineapples? That's because tropical fruits actually contain potent enzymes that break down food. Your mouth may feel a bit strange after eating these fruits, but it's being put to good use in your stomach!
Your health is important to us here at Apost! Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor.
Do you know anyone who could use these tips? Be sure to spread the news to save your friends from fart disasters!